Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Eleven

Mikey's POV

I slumped over our bathroom sink back at the bus, perspiring slightly. I tried not to lose it. I acted normal at our gig. Maybe I was a little too quiet, but that was just me. No one asked me anything though, if they suspected something was wrong. In my opinion, the guys are a little afraid of me now. Ever since that whole drama at the Paramour, they daren't upset me or anything, prolly afraid of a relapse. I smirked at my pale reflection in the mirror. Maybe asking would be better. At least I know they cared. But in truth, I only wanted one person to care. But that person, cared for another, and it broke me. At the show, Bob was so happy, unusually happy. Was it because he had gotten back with Billie? That alone killed, and I felt as though I could never be happy again.

I pulled out the razor from the cabinet, staring at it. Oh, it was so tempting. But if I started, I'd get hooked, and that would be a bitch to kick. Sighing resentfully, I kept it and flushed the toilet, pretending I wasn't holed up in here being moody and apathetic. As though my life wasn't a big black hole. Only I knew.

Bob's POV

"Man, alive!" I slapped Ray a high five. We were drinking sodas in the dining area. Frank, Gerard and Mikey were off to bed, all three suddenly being sleeping. I wanted to go with Mikey, but he looked at me strangely and backed away. Puzzled, I retreated. Whatever. I mentally shrugged, turning my attention back to Ray.

"You seemed so, full of energy today man." said Ray, grining. "You were practically shining! And it wasn't just the sweat." he added seriously. I chuckled and slapped him on the back. I had finally overcome my love for Billie, all the old cobwebs of painful past finally blown away. I was feeling high, and I knew it. I wonder what was up with Mikey today, though. He seemed so withdrawn. Well, it was Mikey just being Mikey. But I wish he wouldn't push me away. I stared sadly into my soda can, suddenly drained of energy. I knew something was wrong. But what?