Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twelve

Mikey's POV

I can't take it anymore. I was sick of being Just Mikey. Little meek Mikey, accomodating to all. I was going to open my mouth and ask, and set things straight, once and for all.


Bob's POV

I spoke to Ray about Mikey. He was just too quiet, even for himself. But Ray just shrugged it off. I wonder why he didn't care more. I guess he was just tired, because he just left for bed, leaving me at the table, me having recently acquired insomnia, listening to my soda fizzing and popping. Then I saw a figure appear in the doorway out of the corner of my eye. Thinking it was Ray, I spoke without looking up.

"There's something wrong with Mikey, and I don't care how, but I'm doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of it."

"We could start by talking." the familiar voice volleyed, but not the familiar voice I was expecting to hear.

"Mikey! Jesus babe, you scared me. C'mere, sit." I patted the seat next to me. Was it me or did he flinch when I called him babe? He came over and sat, staring intensely into my eyes, not blinking. I dismissed it and looked at him. I sensed the atmosphere was thick, and beads of sweat started forming on my forehead. Why did I get the feeling of a confrontation?

"I need to ask you something" he said.

I blinked. "Shoot."

"About Billie." he narrowed his eyes. I looked down. He knew I hated talking about him, why was he doing this?

"What about Billie?" I muttered, not looking up.

Mikey's POV

Why wasn't he meeting my eyes? Nervousness? I bristled. Shame?? I continued, trying to keep my emotions under control.

"What's going on, between you and him? I saw you two the other day. Is there something you're not telling me?" I couldn't help it. My voice grew higher pitched and my pupils dilated. I must look like a deranged madman now, I thought dryly. Then he looked up. And I saw a look of realisation in his eyes. Then he spoke, with relief.

"So THAT'S whats wrong! Oh Mikey, you're worrying for nothing... I officially ended it with Billie, I threw his advances back in his own face. I. Don't. Love. Him. Anymore." Suddenly the song I Don't Love You stuck itself in my head, and I half hummed it. His face relaxed, and he looked almost happy, but he asked again, apprehensively.

"Then why didn't you pull away after he kissed you?"

"He caught me off guard, I did, I promise." I took his hand. "You are my one and only, true, true love, and think nothing that will make you feel otherwise." He sagged with relief, and smiled for the first time that day. His face lit up, and his smile opened like a present. This was why I loved him, I thought fondly, as I stroked his face.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I replied, and kissed him on the lips. After the air had been cleared, it was the sweetest kiss, like lemonade on a hot day, and I fell in love with him again, knowing that he was jealous, proof that he loved me, and no one else.