Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Fourteen

Bob's POV

I hummed happily, making breakfast. Me and Mikey slept together last night, no naughty things done, with our clothes ON, believe it or not!! And YES, we can do that.
I was alone in the bus, save Stan, who was having a lie in, after all the driving through the night. Apparently the rest had already done breakfast and all four left for a mysterious errand. Huh... WITHOUT me. Nevermind. I try not to feel insulted. It was hard to feel unhappy anyway. The air had been cleared with me and Mikey, and things were going better, as far as I could tell in the 10 hours, so far.

Finishing my toast and juice, I decided to go out for a run to build up my stamina. I had to after all, since our tour cycle was going to go on for a very long time, and I had to keep playing day after day. Yelling to Stan I was off to exercise, (he grunted) I jumped down the bus steps and surveyed my surroundings. Now we were in a parking lot in some city, and the air was surprisingly fogless. Stretching quickly, I jogged round a Hilton Hotel and down the street. Rounding several blocks and distinct landmarks, so as not to lose my way, I cut across an alley to return to the bus. Suddenly, a big metal sheet stuck itself out in front of me.

"BLOODY FUCKING HELL!!" I screamed in surprise but couldn't stop in time and I ran straight into it, falling painfully down on my rear with a bump.

"Oww... My nose... And my ass..." I looked up, annoyed. What the hell was a metal sheet doing here? And that's when I saw the arm holding it. It was big and beefy, and attached to an equally big and beefy guy. He was towering and wore a black suit, and wraparound sun glasses. Looking up at him, he seemed nothing but a giant.

"Mr Bryar," He droned monotonously, "You're coming with me." And he swiftly covered my face with a chloroform soaked rag. I tried to scream and rip off his hand but he easily held fast, muffling my screams with his huge hand. Kicking and flailing, I managed to poke him in the eye. Hard. He dropped me by surprise, covering his wounded eye with his hands and I took the opportunity to flee for my life. Back to the safety of the bus. By the time I had run inside and caught my breath, a thousand highly irrational questions formed itself in my mind. Pulling a few from the disorderly state of my mind, I frowned. Who was he? Where did he come from? How did he know my name? And most importantly, what the fuck did he want?? My thoughts, blurred by the inhalation of the chloroform, ceased to bother me as I gratefully toppled onto the large couch and drifted off to a dreamless sleep, leaving all confusion and terror behind me momentarily, until I gained conciousness.