Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Eighteen

Bob's POV

I opened my eyes, when I felt it was safe to again. I looked up, and saw a small light hanging from the ceiling, and a window with eveling light trickling in. Then I saw a person, or at least I thought I did, because the shadow suddenly disappeared. Shaking my wrists and my legs, I affirmed that I was tied up. Shake. Yup. Bounce. Tied to a bed.

"Hey..." A voice whispered to me from my left. I looked to my left and saw a girl, too tied to the bed. She looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey yourself," I whispered back. "What's your name? What are you doing here? Where's this place? Who's that at the window?" The questions spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"I'm Sarah. And I think I'm here cause I love Tre and Mr Asshole wants me to love him instead, and I don't know what this place is. I ain't psychic! That is my friend, Deanna, who's trying to get me out with a spork, which works, AND YOU'RE BOB!!!" She was staring at the ceiling while talking but she focused on me for the first time and half squealed.

"Shh!" I widened my eyes. "I don't want to let whoever took me to know I'm awake. Oh Sarah... You and Deanna are in that band Electrocutes. Gonna make it big soon hm? Coming out..."

"Psh, I've been awake forever, but they don't bloody care... And yes, but My Chem is so much better!"

I smiled at her cuteness, but frowned again. "Who are THEY anyways?"

"Billie Motherfucking Joe Armstrong... I thought I liked him, but he's a total boy-diva! So not cool..." She shook her head and looked up. "I hope Deanna gets in soon. I'm hungry and I have a cramp."

Billie Joe!! I should've known. My head throbbed and I started to get dizzly sleepy. Not again... The world spun around me again and I passed out, faintly aware of Sarah trying to wake me up, and faintly aware of someone breaking in the window with a spork. Perfect, now I can't get out. And with that, I passed out.