Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Nineteen

Bob's POV

I woke up again and saw a yellow post-it next to me. I read:

"We tried to budge you, but you wouldn't move! I'm sorry Bob, we love you!
Love, Deanna and Sarah."

Oh great... Suddenly, I heard footsteps. I hid the note in my pocket and lay back. Hearing voices, I strained my ears to hear.

"...she got away."

"Damn it! At least I still have him."

Oh God. I knew that voice. I might've guessed it, but I'd never actually believed it. Billie Joe. Just then, the all too familiar figure entered the room, flanked by two huge men in suits. So those were the suits that tackled me! I thought angrily... Stupid coward, couldn't even get me himself! I gave him the once over. No wonder... He was so scrawny...

"So... You like it here? Is it comfy?" He smirked and sat at the edge of the bed.

I squirmed and tried to move away. "You're despicable!" I spat. "You can't even get me yourself. Anyway, just cause your ego is too fucking big, other people can't be happy, only to suffer at your expense!"

"Heh, at least I got what I wanted." He laughed and placed and hand on my thigh, but I shook it off.

"Not fucking willingly though. You're lower than I thought. And pathetic." I said bitterly.

"Shut up fucker! You only speak when I say you can!" He stood up and slapped me, his face suddenly contorted with rage. Looking at him, I didn't see him as the man I fell in love with years ago. I suddenly saw an ugly, old man who was low and pathetic, with an ugly sneer on his face. It frightened me. Suddenly, the door burst in, and there stood... Mikey...

I shook my head. I must've been dreaming. But Billie saw him too. Looking up, I saw his face trembling with panic and fear. Suddenly, Ray and Gerard appeared too. Ray, without a pause, ran full speed at Billie, tackling him, successfully knocking him out cold. The two suits grabbed him and aimed a punch at his head, but Mikey intervened with a sheet of metal, which was quite familiar to me, I must say. Knocking the two suits out, Mikey bashed them over the head with the sheet of metal one more time and ran to help Ray up. Gerard was already untying me, and I stood up and hugged Mikey. He stepped back to look at me, and I fell back on to the bed. The blood circulation had ceased when I was tied up and it took sometime to get feeling back in my limbs. They carried me out and put me in a little Beetle, and sped off. Well, as fast as a Beetle could go. Ray who was driving, started telling me about how they found out, before I could ask.

"We revived Stan, who was knocked out, and he told us about the two suits. So we thought it would be Billie."

"Yes," I interrupted, "But how did you find me?"

Gerard butted in. "It's not too hard to lose the tracks of a hearse, my dear Bob." Mikey shot him a glare.

"He's MY dear Bob." And he wrapped protective arms around me. I laughed and kissed him.

"Indeed, my love." I murmured against his mouth. "Oh," I added, "Where'd you get this?" Gerard blushed. Ray piped up.

"He nicked it from the carpark." And the little car exploded with laughter, and as we rode back to the bus, it was one of the happiest, warmest, loveliest moments of my life.