Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Two

Mikey's POV

We returned to the tour bus, pooped after a long day. Interviews, interviews... I don't see the fucking point! We say the same thing everytime, just fucking cut and paste!! Bob was tired, I could tell. But he's such a darling... So tolerant too. Frankie was flicking him the whole time, and he didn't even lose it, like I would've... But when we got back to the tour bus, he seemed to be filled with vigour again. I plopped down on the couch in the mini dining space and popped the top off my CokeZero. Suddenly, two bodies charged past me, one with a frizz round the head. Heehee, the fro rules!!

"BONGO GAME!!!" shouted Ray, charging to the back of the bus.

"AND DONKEY KONG AFTER!!!!" bellowed Bob, racing after him. Bob will so totally beat the underpants off Ray. He's just so good at that... I wish I could tell him how I feel, but what will he think? If he took it really badly, the band would be in jeopardy. But it seemed so strange to keep it cooped up inside, and I had to be really careful that it didn't slip out. Man, my sexuality is so hard to live with... Sometimes at night, I would cry, because I could never let him know how I feel, and that itself just broke my heart.

Frank strolled past them and sat down beside me. "Ray's really asking for it. Bet you Bob will thrash him at BOTH."

"No deal," I replied. "It's obvious..." Bob was genius at these games, no shocker there... Frank huffed and plugged in, prolly the Misfits, and started bouncing his head in time. I drained the last of my drink and tossed it, and made my way to the bunks for a little shut eye. It seemed like I wasn't the only one with the intention to snooze. I saw an arm hanging out of Gerard's bunk and I nearly freaked. But on closer observation, I detected a snoring sound emerging from behind the curtain. That certainly told me SOMEONE was a little, or not so little, worn out as well. I could hear the "meeping" of the bongo game starting up and Bob and Ray clapping to the tune. Hmm, they never get tired of it... I lay down on the bottom and drifted off. Dreaming of... Bob.