Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twenty

Bob’s POV

We returned at night to a stationary bus. Apparently, Stan had taken the weekend leave to recover from the shock, and he was reconsidering his job. We hoped that letting him take leave would make him stay, who knew? I suddenly felt exhausted, and desperately needed to sleep. But the guys needed a drink after all the excitement and left me alone. I stumbled onto the bus and barely made it to my bed before crashing down and falling asleep before my head touched the pillow.

I opened my eyes blearily, something was making a lot of noise.

“BANG BANG BANG!!” Oww, my ears… I looked up and saw Frank banging a spoon against a pan.

“Jesus, I’m up already!” I sat up and whacked the instruments from his hand.

“Chill Bob. You’ve been asleep for over 15 hours! It’s 3 in the fucking afternoon!”

“SHIT! Don’t we have a gig?” I instantly snapped out of my sleepy state and looked around frantically for my drumsticks, which I knew were somewhere on the bed.

“Naw, they cancelled cause the water pipes in the place burst.” Frank replied flippantly. Then his face dropped. “Though I rather they hadn’t…” He looked so down it was almost funny. I ruffled his hair and got up, tripping over odd bits of debris in the room and went out into the kitchen area. There, asleep at the table was Mikey. Frank crept up behind me.

“After you slept, he went back to the bus and stayed up all night watching out for you.” He whispered. Looking at him like that, all for me, my heart melted. I walked up to him and carried him up in my arms bridal style. He swooped up easily, being so light. He stirred a little and his arms crept up and wound themselves around my neck. He let out a soft, satisfied sigh and smiled contentedly, still not awaking. I stifled a giggle and carried him into my room. His room was a total wreck and you couldn’t find the mattress for all the crap on it. At least my bed was locatable… I set him gently on it and kissed his forehead, smoothening back his hair from his forehead.

“Sleep tight, my love.” I got up to leave when suddenly a hand snaked up and grabbed my arm.

“Gotcha…” I heard a sleepy voice murmur. I smiled and turned back to him.

“Good morning , my love.” I stroked his face and kissed his lips softly…

“Yes it is…” He giggled in reply and kissed me harder. I felt a stirring in my nether regions. It had been a while since I had gotten any loving. Apparently Mikey felt the same way because I could feel “something” poking into my hand, which was resting gently on his thigh.

“Someone needs attention…” I mumbled against his mouth.

“As someone ELSE does.” He pulled away and grinned cheekily. He reached down and disposed of my pants in a flash, and wriggled out of his own clothes. I pulled off my shirt but got tangled up when his soft but pleasantly callused fingers encircled my dick. I gasped and panted at the mixed sensations I received.

“Harder Mikey…” He obliged and pumped slowly, then quickly, alternating speeds. I couldn’t take it anymore, and bent down, drawing him into my mouth. He tasted sweet and salty at the same time, and I swirled my tongue around his tip. I felt him spasm involuntarily and I smiled, but whined when his hand ceased to move. He pulled my legs towards his head and took me into his mouth, and it was my turn to shake. I sucked harder, and he copied my actions. I moaned from the pleasure and he moaned from the pleasure I was giving him by moaning. The constant circle of pleasure inducing actions brought about simultaneous orgasms from both of us. I shook and he trembled, filling each others mouth with our liquid. I crawled up to him and kissed him, letting him taste himself, and I tasting myself. We panted with satisfaction and pulled the sheets over us, hugging each other and enveloping each other in a bubble of comfort and love.