Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twenty One

-fast forward to after touring cycle, where the guys have all settled down-
Bob’s POV

I was walking along the street with Mikey by my side. Looking down at the rhythmic scuffing of our kicks, I thought about the not-too-long-ago past. It was nice being so relaxed for a change. I remembered when we were in a chaotic bit of our lives, touring and performing, day after day blending into each other, in a blur of loud music. That whole frenzied lifestyle seemed so far away now. I pulled back slowly to the present, feeling a voice tug me back.

“Hello… Earth to Bob, come in Bob.” The voice was saying. I turned to my left and smiled.

“Roger, Mikey.” I grinned. Two names in concession. I was getting slightly mad these few days, and often said words that made no sense. It was amazing at how much Mikey could put up with. I was really surprised that after so long, we still loved each other with the same strength as when we first found out of our not unrequited love for each other. I got a warm fuzzy feel every time I looked at Mikey, and I was pretty sure, judging from the sparkle in his eyes, that he felt the same way.

We walked on in silence, until we reached the park, where we planned to practice skipping stones on the lake and just chill. Life was so much slower paced nowadays, and I could tell all of us were adapting nicely, often spending days just doing unimportant stuff and taking our time at everything, unrushed. It was a nice change, and I welcomed it gladly.

After ten minutes of shuffling, we rounded the bend and entered the park. A striding walk would only take two minutes, but we took things really slow nowadays. Walking to the lake, appreciating the chilly air on my face, I never felt so at home in New Jersey. We all crashed at Gerard and Mikey’s place until we settled down and found a new place, and I knew that when the time came, I would be all too reluctant to leave. Suddenly, I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, rising up to greet my throat and form a lump. Something was wrong. I looked around, and at Mikey, who didn’t seem to notice that something was amiss. I never felt this way in ages, only when I knew that something really bad was going to happen. But what? I tried swallowing noisily, trying to make the lump disappear, but succeeded as much as I would in dry swallowing a large pill. Something bad couldn’t happen now, not when everything was going so nicely for the first time in years. Mikey must’ve heard me swallowing loudly and turned to look at me, with an amused expression on his face.

“See those swallows up there? Thinking of joining them?” He teased. I groaned loudly.

“Droll, much??” I strode ahead of him, calling back. Suddenly, I felt my feet kick something abruptly and they tangled up in each other, and my legs gave way before me. I felt that sickening feeling of falling through thin air and my arms flailed wildy, but failing to grasp anything, and the only thing I could think of as the ground rose to meet me was, “I knew it…” Then my head hit a rock jutting out of the cracked pavement and the last thing I saw was Mikey’s face, with eyes as wide as saucer plates staring down at me.