Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twenty Two

Mikey’s POV

I studied Bob. Man was he out cold. I had picked him up once I recovered from the momentary shock and laid him against a nearby tree trunk. Running to the lake, I gasped as I dipped my hands in the freezing cold water. Scooping some up, I ran back to Bob, the cold water already numbing my fingers, and slashed it on top of his head. His hair absorbed to water and it seeped through to his scalp. It worked. He jolted and came to instantly, letting out a yelp. I grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes which were darting wildly. Not a good sign.

“Bob!” I said urgently, checking him for possible signs of a concussion. “Are you okay?” I furrowed my brow and moved closer. He frowned and looked at me. He looked so cute like that, I couldn’t resist giving him a soft kiss on the lips. I felt his hands slide up to my chest, then I was suddenly shoved away. Stumbling back, my eyes widened.

“What the…” I stuttered, not really believing that Bob had just shoved me.

“Ew, so NOT cool, Mr Pervy!” He yelled, dashing his hand across his mouth. What on earth… I opened my mouth to say something, but my tongue utterly failed me.

“Oh, Mr Pervy?” He looked up at me questioningly. I couldn’t speak and just blinked at him in disbelief. “What’s a Bob?”

Oh shit.