Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twenty Six

Mikey’s POV

It’s been a week since Bob had that nasty fall and he still didn’t remember us. Or me. I sat at the dining table with my head in my hands, my clothes creased and my hair rumpled. I had been in that position for over a day. I just couldn’t find the motivation to shower, or eat. How could Bob forget what we had? That made me even more miserable, and I hunched over further.

Gerard’s POV

I stood outside the house, looking in. Mikey thought I had went to the store for milk, but in truth, I wanted to watch him. He really hadn’t moved in an hour, and he had been like that for goodness knows how long. I was really getting worried. He looked so miserable. I could tell that I just couldn’t tell him to snap out of it because it just couldn’t happen. But what could I do…??

Ray’s POV

I sat on the kitchen counter, swinging my long legs, their toes barely brushing the floor. Frank was out with his new girlfriend. I mean, really! We were all going through a crisis, especially Mikey, and he had to go and get a new girlfriend. But in a way, I could understand why. He was too lighthearted for this, and he couldn’t stand tense and heavy-air moments. And his new girlfriend was awesome too. I couldn’t blame him if he just couldn’t stay away. We all liked her. She was slim and had beautiful long strawberry-blonde hair, stunning eyes that changed color, depending on what she was wearing, and a wicked laugh. She had a personality to rival with Bowling For Soup, and had a good measure of high. Just like Frank, and just who Frank needed in a time like this.

I looked through the connecting window into the dining room at Mikey. He looked a mess. But for once, there was nothing we could do…

Bob’s POV

I had been sitting in bed completely still for over 5 hours, staring into my lap. My neck was starting to cramp from looking at my lap, but I barely felt it – I was thinking so hard. An unanswered question kept ringing in my head : WAS I GAY??

And yet, after 5 hours, I still hadn’t come up with an answer. Sarah seemed more awkward around me, like she didn’t know what to do. And who could blame the poor girl?? I had kissed her, just like that. But I bet she had to deal with all sorts of looneys before, and this was hardly an exception, except that I was a drummer in a world famous band. Suddenly, the door burst in, and the person that I recognized as Frank came in with his arm around a girl’s waist. I faintly remember the group of guys who came to visit me everyday telling me about her. She was his… I frowned at her. AH! His new girlfriend! I beamed at my accomplishment of managing to remember.

“Hey Bob,” Frank said, unsure as to why I was smiling so widely.

“’Lo, um, Frank!” I grinned at him, still happy that I remembered his name, and his girlfriend too.

“I want you to meet Bethany,” He smiled at the girl next to him and pressed his forehead to hers. Pulling away, he continued.

“All the other guys have met her but you,” and he brought her to the bed.

“Nice to meet you,” I extended my hand. Instead, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a warm apple-smelling embrace. I immediately liked her. She pulled away and smiled at me.

“Hey Bob, awesome to meet you too!” She beamed. I could see why Frank looked at her like that, with a mixture of adoration and love. She was amazing.

“Hey Frank?” I looked up at him.

“Yep?” He asked innocently, not knowing what I was about to ask him next. Well obviously, he wasn’t a psychic. Looking at him, I decided to get to the point, seeing as there was no other way to say this.

“Um, am I gay?”