Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Twenty Nine

Gerard’s POV

I stood there, not really knowing what to do. Bob seemed, lost…? I didn’t feel comfortable with the way he was staring at me, and I escaped to the open hallway again, running into the guys.

“What’s wrong?” asked Mikey.

“Um, I need coffee.” I muttered and strode off into the waiting area where there were vending machines.

Mikey’s POV

Weird… Why was Gerard acting so strangely? But I shrugged it off. I’ve had my weirded out times when I didn’t have my caffeine. Shrugging, I pushed open the door of Bob’s room and went in, followed closely by Ray. Bob’s eyes were glazed over and his mouth was hanging open slightly. He was turned to the direction of the door, and didn’t move. For a moment I thought he was paralyzed, but then he visibly shook himself and focused his eyes on us.

Bob’s POV

I was still drowning in his beautiful hazel pools after he left. Even though he broke eye contact with me and went out into the hall, his eyes still swam in front of mine, hauntingly darkened and filled with thoughts to be known to only himself. Then two figures appeared in the doorway and I snapped out of it. It was only the fro-ed guy and Mr Pervy. Oh I had to stop calling him that. He was fine, but the name stuck. I was a little upset but I forced myself to smile at them, looking at the fro-ed guy’s fro, wondering how he combed it. The fro spoke.

“How’ve you been, Bob?” he said his high, cheerful voice, oblivious to how I completely zoned out just now.

“Fine,” I shrugged. On catching the fro-ed dude’s raised eyebrow, I added. “Well, as fine as I can be in this place,” and gestured vaguely with my hands for emphasis. I noticed Mr Pe- oops, the skinny guy was sitting quietly in one of the green chairs. I still couldn’t meet his eyes, since I didn’t feel comfortable from that time when he kissed me, even though I was supposedly gay, I didn’t know if I could do that.

“Where did…” I started, but the fro-ed guy caught on and spoke up.

“He went to get coffee,” he said knowledgeably, kind of.

“Can’t live without it, like brother like brother,” the quiet voice in the corner spoke up. His voice carried calmness like an ocean breeze. It was so familiar, and sent shivers down my spine. But I supposed it was just the cold sheets.

“Well, alright,” I said passively. I could understand the need for coffee. I wished I had some. As if on cue, Sarah entered with a tray bearing a flask and three cups.

“Coffee anybody?” she said, as if she could read my thoughts. And as the skinny guy and the fro-ed guy made a mad rush for the tray, startling her, I thought, bless the dear girl. Coffee saves the day, everyday. And I too couldn’t help myself and reached out for a cup.