Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Three

Bob's POV

It's 2am in the fucking morning and I'm awake. I can't believe this. I lay staring at the low ceiling of my bunk, decorated with cat stickers. The bus had parked for the night and the driver had already gone to sleep. Lying there, I had made up a short poem. Reciting,

T'was 2am in the morning
Even the driver has done his job
Not a creature was stiring
'Cept for good ol' Bob.

I smirked to myself at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. Poem recitation in the dead of the night. I'm going mad... That's it... I leapt out of my bunk and crept to the door of the bus and went out into the night. The bus had parked in a car park close to the sea, and perhaps a stroll would take my mind off things.

Mikey's POV

Hmm, I thought I was the only one awake. Seems like Bob was having problems sleeping too. I heard him recite this little verse and I had to keep myself from chuckling really badly. He was so cute... Suddenly, I heard him get off his bunk and leave the bus. My mind screamed at me.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!!! Tell him now, or you'll never get to!!

I contemplated what my mind has suggested, then followed Bob out.

I'm going to do it.

Hell yeah you're gonna do it!