Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Thirty

Mikey's POV

Ray was driving us back after our visit to see Bob. Gerard was sitting in the front, head banging to some weird song, and I was in the back. Bob hadn't looked at me once during our entire visit, and my heart was slowly but surely dropping to the depths of my soul. Did he not remember his love for me at all? Or worse, I thought as I sank further into the seat, did he really love me at all?

Gerard's POV

I turned on the radio real loud the moment Ray started the engine. He threw me an annoyed look but I returned it with a sickeningly sweet smile and he gave up silently, throwing his hands toward the car roof. The reason for the need of loud music was mainly to push all my thoughts out of my head. What was disturbing me the most was why Bob looked at me like that. I knew that look too well; I had seen it in most of my ex girlfriend's eyes, and I didn't think it was normal for Bob to look like that, especially towards me. Okay, I'm thinking about it again. NOT GOOD!!! And I forced myself to belt out the lyrics to the song on the radio, Famous Last Words, how convenient, and tried not to think about it.

Bob's POV

I was really disappointed when Mikey didn't come back into the room, leaving just me, skinny dude and fro-ed man to make awkward conversation. The coffee helped a lot though, thanks to the angel Sarah. I just fell in love with his eyes. He was pretty okay looking, I wasn't really big on the moody artistic, temperamental look, but his eyes more than made up for that. The fro man's eyes were just brown, and Frank's eyes were green, but not as intense as Mikey's. The skinny dude, well, I didn't really notice, I guess I was too creeped out from THAT TIME. Come to think of it, I really wondered why I minded so much. I mean, I'm gay and all, so what's wrong? Just then, Sarah came in with a lunch tray, laughing a little from a conversation she had with the receptionist. I could never tell why she and Sara got along. Perhaps it was the homonym effect their two names had in common. Oh well, I twisted the sheet, perhaps I'd think about IT some other time. In the meantime, YUM, LUNCH!!!