Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Thirty One

Gerard’s POV

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and turned off the engine. It was kinda chilly so I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie and jogged towards the main entrence. I needed to see Bob. I wanted to ask him what was up with the look he gave me the day before. It kinda creeped me out, and it was fucking bugging me the entire night, so I came here the moment I woke up.

I entered the building and smiled at the grouchy Sara before walking down the hallway to Bob’s room. She knew the bunch of us quite well so we didn’t have to fill in any visitor forms and crap like that before going in to see Bob.

Bob’s POV

I sat up in bed, playing with a rubric’s cube. Ever since Sara confiscated my Nintendo DS and PSP, I’ve been settling for more primitive kinds of entertainment. It was really frustrating and I hurled it towards the door, sick of being stuck in bed the entire day. Just then, it opened and a figure in black jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding instant death by decapitation by the flying rubric’s cube.

“Hey!” yelled the figure.

“Whupps,” I mumbled, not really meaning it. I was in a foul mood and if anyone was in my way, it was their funeral.

“Hey Bob,” the figure spoke, recovering from the near death experience. Oh. My. God. It was Mikey. Oh no!! I ALMOST KILLED HIM!!! My eyes grew to the size of saucer plates and I couldn’t tear them away from his own, which presently looked like they were changing color. Green, brown, green, brown. I completely zoned out and lost myself in them.

Gerard's POV

I barely escaped death by rubric's cube decapitation and now Bob's looking at me funny all over again. I cleared my throat and strode briskly into the room, stopping in front of his bed. He somewhat snapped out of it and looked down, blushing furiously. Not sure how to begin, I fumbled with my words.

"Um, about the other day... Well," I decided to get straight to the point. "Why were you looking at me like that??"

"What?" he asked, but I knew he heard me because he blushed an even deeper red. Knowing he heard me, I kept quiet, waiting for his reply.

"Well," he began, then faltered, then spoke up again. "I love you, don't you love me too?" I was kind of expecting it, but I was just flabberghasted at it, coming out from his mouth and everything. I was simply speechless. He mistook my silence for consent and smiled at me. Then, he crawled towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was too dumbfounded to move, and stood stock still, still trying to absorb the shock.

"But..." I began, but the word died in my throat.

He looked up, and for a moment I was stunned at how blue his eyes were. But I didn't love him, just shocked at the intensity that his eyes held. He. Was. Serious. It occured to me.

"Oh my fucking god," I uttered slowly. But I couldn't say anymore because he pulled my head towards his and kissed me on my lips.

Mikey's POV

I ran in through the glass doors of the hospital and waved to Sara, who greeted me with her ever surly look. I noticed Gerard's car in the parking lot and nearly chickened out. I wanted to confront Bob once and for all. Why didn't he remember? But the possible hopes of him remembering spurred me on, and I jogged into the hospital. Striding briskly down the hallway, I swung the door of Bob's room open and saw a sight that made my heart freeze and plunge down to my Birkenstocks. Gerard was standing at the foot of Bob's bed, wrapped up in Bob's arms, and was KISSING HIM!!!

A buzz started in my ears and built to a roar, and I found myself running out of the building, onto the tarmac of the carpark. I ran until I couldn't run anymore, and fell to the sidewalk. WHY, WHY, WHY?? That was the only word ringing through my mind. From exhaustion and confusion, my vision became fuzzy and multicolored, like a really bad television screen saver that came on at 5am in the morning before cartoons, and I passed out on the roadside.

Mikey's POV

I came to and found myself sprawled on the street. I sat up shakily, the world spinning before my eyes. Brushing gravel off the side of my cheek, I got up, not really surprised I wasn't helped up earlier. Seeing guys sprawled all over the place was pretty common here. Remembering why I was there in the first place, I sank to my knees, my heart threatening to explode out of my chest for beating so loudly.

"Damn you, Gerard," I muttered, then I realised it wasn't any good to muttered. I threw my head back and roared at the sky.


Gerard's POV

I stood there, rigid, with Bob's lips glued to mine. I wasn't responding, and he pulled away, with a puzzled look in his clear blue eyes.

"What's wrong?" What was wrong?? I stared in disbelief into his eyes.

"WHAT'S WRONG???" I yelled. "YOU KISSED ME!!!" He backed off, looking slightly plaintive.

"But I love you..." he whined, looking at me with a pouty face not unlike a five year old looking at his mum when he wanted one of those huge day lollipops sold in the corner shops.

"No. Fucking. Way."