Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Thirty Four

Bob's POV

I looked out of the window at the bland scenery and saw Sarah and Frank's girlfriend, Bethany, talking. They were getting quite close lately and Bethany came over here more often. Mikey, on the other hand; I hadn't seen him for quite a while, and it made me really sad. If what Frank said was true, didn't Mikey love me too? I hated losing my memory, and there were times when I just couldn't stand it. There was this big space in my life, as if it was a book then suddenly someone chose to type a section in white font and I couldn't see it. I clenched my fists and pulled at the material in the hospital bed. I couldn't wait to get out, but they said they'd keep me for two more weeks for more therapy so it'll all come back to me someday.


"What do you mean that I can't go anytime soon??" I yelled.

"Please relax, Mr Bryar," the doctor crooned. "We just need to loosen your memory and everything will come back to you. She hesitated. "Although we aren't sure when, but it will."

"WHAT?? So you're keeping me here but I may not get my memory back until I'm possibly ninety??"

--end of flashback--

I sighed and looked around the room. I was wasting my life here.

Bethany's POV

"HE WHAT????" I half shrieked. I was totally freaked out, and Sarah was standing in front of me, desperately trying to keep me calm.

"Shhhhh! People here need quiet!" she hushed me and raised her hands.

"Oh, okay, whoops," I lowered my voice. I plopped down on the grass and started picking blades between my lime-green painted fingernails and shredding them nervously.

"But... but..." I sputtered, not really knowing what to say.

"I know..." said Sarah, sinking down beside me. "We have to do something. Poor Gerard is all confused and scared, and I don't even want to think about what would happen if Mikey found out."

"Yeah..." I frowned. "Oh shit..." Something dawned on me.

"What?" Sarah turned to me with an apprehensive face, and I had a feeling she was already anticipating what I was about to say.

"Frank said Mikey had been acting really moody these days, and he wasn't eating or anything..." I trailed off, not really wanting to voice out what might have happened. Turned out I didn't have to, because Sarah did the job for me, at maximum volume indeed.

"HOLY MUTHER-- SHIT!!!" she screamed, slipping on the curse, seeing as there were old people around.

"Hey, shut up! Thought you were the consciencious one who needed quiet!" I hissed.

"Yeah, sorry..." she quietened down. "But, if Mikey knows..."

"Yeah," I chipped in. "Things are going to get REALLY nasty."