Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Thirty Nine

Bob's POV

The next few hours were a blur, lots of tests, lots of doctors, lots of yelling, lots of beeps, lots of lots of everything. I remember passing out from the shock and confusion of it all, but I didn't have time for the temporary blissful silence because I was revived in a matter of minutes. I remember being returned to my room after a long day in white labs with doctors prodding my head and my everywhere and strange questions riddled with medical terms. I remember my head hitting the pillow, eager for rest and I forgot everything else as my brain slipped into deep, soothing sleep.



"Think he's awake?"

"His eyes are shut dumbnut. What'd you think?"








I realised the loud, irate bellow came from me. I sheepishly sat up and unstuck my eyelids to find a shocked looking Frank and Ray frozen, with hands at each other's throats, literally.

"Hey guys," I waved sheepishly.

"Hey," Frank waved back and plonked himself down on the foot of the bed and started yanking my toes, making them crack pleasantly. The surprising thing about Frank is that he would be a total weirdo but suddenly he'll surprise you by doing something so nice and sweet.

"Thanks," I said smiling, grateful for relief since I was almost always on my feet yesterday.

"We heard about yesterday," Ray piped in, bouncing on the bed, to my great and utter shock. Ray DID NOT do things like that. "Heard you had it pretty rough."

"Yeah," I replied wearily, still feeling the effects of last night washing over me. "I remember a little, about me falling and knocking my head and passing out, and remembering earlier about our gigs and stuff," I shrugged. "The docs call it an "amazing and quick recovery." Whatever, I call it sheer dumb luck." Ray and Frank GIGGLED and continued being random, just how I loved them, and as I looked at them, just laughing and smiling, I told myself how lucky I was.

"Gerard and Mikey are coming over later," Frank's voice rudely interrupted my "appreciation time."

"Oh..." I said, suddenly feeling low.

"Um, we have something to tell you. Bethany told us about your... Um, mistake," stuttered Ray, clearly uncomfortable.

"Oh," I repeated, feeling worse than ever.

"But it's okay!" chipped in Frank quickly. "'Cause it's a perfectly reasonable mistake. Since's Mikey's makeover, they now REALLY look like brothers. Gerard and Mikey's eyes are like, identical." I zoned out, falling into questions and possibilities in my head. It was Gerard's eyes that made me fall for him in the first place. Was it possible that I loved him just because he looked like Mikey, who I haven't seen properly since my fall? Maybe I couldn't forget my love emotionally, even if I could mentally. Oh well, I shrugged inwardly. I could only hope that when they came later, things wouldn't be sticky.