Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Four

Bob's POV

This is so much better... I glanced appreciatively across the smooth surface of the ocean, only broken by white foamy waves, rising then crashing on to the sandy beach, littered with seaweed and shells. The smell of salty air rose to greet my nose and I breathed in deeply, enjoy the scent of beauty. There's nothing like a long stroll along a beach to clear the mind...

"Nice, isn't it?"

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I screamed and jumped around. Oh my god, it's Mikey.

"Bloody hell, you scared me. Why aren't you sleeping?" I breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that little familar flutter in my stomach everytime that "special someone" in question showed up. Oh great... Just when I was feeling the most mellow I've ever been. I turned around and continued walking.

"Couldn't sleep." He replied nonchalantly and fell into step beside me. I shuffled on uncomfortably, extremely aware of him not two inches from my and rammed my shaking hands into my pockets. If only he knew what he did to me...

"Bob..." I turned to look at a very nervous, fidgetty looking Mikey.

"What is it?" I scrunched up my brow and tilted my head, waiting.

Mikey's POV

Oh god... My heart was beating so loudly I was afraid he would be able to hear it. My pulse was throbbing so hard I was getting a headache. I faltered as I looked at his adorably curious face.

Tell him!! This is your only chance, you can't back out now!!! FUCKING TELL HIM!!!!

"I-I... l-l-love you." With that, I ran past him and over the sand dunes on to the carpark, and planted myself on the tarmac, staring at the bright city lights, but not really seeing them. What if he hates me? My life will be totally ruined then. My heart sank at that thought and the city lights grew blurry as tears pooled in my eyes. I wiped them away furiously just as I heard the scuffing of footsteps approach me. A body smelling faintly of mint sank down beside me and was silent for a while. Then...

"I love you too."

I stared at the ground, not believing my ears. I felt a hand grasp my chin and turn my face lightly around, and I found myself staring into a pair of beautiful baby blues. Then, a mouth came down on mine. Barely a brush of the lips. A kiss, so gentle, that I wasn't even sure what had happened. He opened his eyes and looked into mine, and I pulled his head down towards me. I kissed him hungrily, and felt myself being swept away to a place where nothing in the world mattered, and where nothing bad would ever happen, where I could be safe, for all eternity...