Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Forty

Mikey's POV

I had heard over the phone about how Bob had gotten his memory back, bits of it at least. Well, I didn't actually hear it, but I had eavesdropped when Gerard was on the phone in the kitchen. I was going to go back to speak to Bob about him and Gerard today but by the looks of things, I didn't have to. I came out of my room just as Gerard hung up, and when he turned around, he jumped upon seeing me. He was acting very edgy around me these few days, no prizes for guessing why, and was probably too nervous to notice I had been distant lately.

"So..." I wandered over to the fridge, pulled it open and stared in briefly. "Who was that?" I closed the door and turned to face him.

"Oh, it was Ray. Bob's got a little of his memory back." Gerard looked up at my face, hoping to see some expression, anything, but I kept it blank and passive.

"Oh, okay that's good, let's go over then," I said monotonously, and headed for the car, turning away from him, not caring for the expression on his face.

Gerard's POV

I heard from Ray over the phone that Bob had a little of his memory back. That was good news. Mikey scared the bejeezus out of me when he entered the kitchen, well, more like skulked into the kitchen. I thought he would be happy when I told him about Bob, but his face remained startling blank. I was a little shocked, but then I realised how different things were now, and I managed not to say anything. Dumbly, I followed Mikey to the car, and we rode to the hospital in silence.

We reached within five minutes, and Mikey pulled into a lot swiftly. I jumped out, inhaling the cool air, thankful for the escape from the tense silence. The car ride had been silent, and the tension in the car could've been cut with a butter knife. Following Mikey, I entered the building and walked down the hallway to Bob's room, briefly greeting Sara. Mikey stopped in front of the door, not going in, his expression unreadable. I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder, but he flinched, as though burned from the touch, and I removed my hand.

"Everything's gonna be fine," I whispered to Mikey, but he just rolled his eyes and entered the room, me following closely behind.

Bob's POV

Me, Frank and Ray were having a fun game (or not) of Yahtzee on the bed, when suddenly the door opened, and I tried to look up, failing. Frank was perched on my shoulders and throwing the dice at Ray, who was unsuccessfully trying to dodge them. Finally, Frank threw all the dice he had and clambered off. His laughter abruptly died, so did Ray's, and I looked up at them. They were staring nervously towards the door, Frank with a twitchy smile on his face. I followed their line of gaze to the door, where two men stood. I blinked. They must've been Gerard and Mikey, and boy did they look similiar. Well not really, but it was... Their eyes... My head spun as the two pairs of green-brown eyes turned to me, and black dots swirled before my eyes, the spinning mass penetrated by four glowing orbs of green-brown, shrieking in my ears, and I passed out, the last thing I was aware of was being Frank yelling "BOB!", his voice panic-stricken.