Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Forty One

Bob's POV

I woke up and still saw those threatening orbs nucleating about me. I shook my head and they dissapated into thin air. Instead, I saw Frank and Ray peering over me.

"Guys?" I croaked groggily, blinking my eyes blurrily.

"'BOUT TIME!" Frank yelled and bounced on the bed.

"How long have I been out?" I groaned and pushed myself upright on my elbow.

"Around an hour," Ray said, trying to make himself be heard over Frank's squealing.

"Yo, Mikey, come over here," Ray turned to a corner where the chairs were and I could make out a faint figure hunched in one of the armchairs.

"He stayed, Gerard left," Ray turned back to me and explained. The blood rushed from my face and I bet I looked as pale as a ghost. I couldn't deal with this. But it was too late, and Mikey had come out of the shadows.

"Hi, Bob," the voice said, wavering just a little, and that voice sent a familiar tingle to my toes and chest, and I gasped. The man that came out of the corner didn't just have the eyes, he had the whole thing. But he seemed... Gaunt, and empty, and sad somehow. My heart raced and I unconciously reached out with my hand. He moved closer and touched my fingertips with his own, and I jerked at the touch. Suddenly, as cliched as this sounds, I remembered myself with him, and how I felt with him, and I wondered how I could ever forget this feeling.

"M-M-Mikey...?" I asked hesitantly, finding it difficult to breathe. A light came on in the hollow eyes and I swore I saw him straighten up a little.

"Bob, it's me. Your Mikey," he said, moving closer to me and taking my hand between his own two.

"My... My Mikey," I looked up and I realised that I loved him all along, and never did stop loving him. Mikey suddenly smiled, and the change that simple gesture did to his face was amazing, and he actually looked like a human again. He moved to the side of my bed and I wrapped my arms around his waist and breathed in his scent. And as he pulled me in closer to his chest, I realised the hole that was in me the past few months, the hole that was still there when I "fell in love" with Gerard, and the hole I barely knew was there until now, was no longer there anymore. Then, I understood.

Mikey made me complete.

Mikey was the one.