Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Six

Bob's POV

We walked slowly back to the bus, taking our time, mainly cause my ass was sore from BEFORE. But it was a good kind of sore. A reach-for-the-stars over-the-fence get-when-you-in-love kind of sore. I loved it... I grasped Mikey's hand and smiled nervously. Would this be a one night stand type of thing? Things would be really awkward then. But the warm smile he returned, full of trust, and love, wiped out all my doubts. He had that effect on me, to make me feel like everything would be alright. Even that time, when I fell off the bus, (Frank + Skittles = Hyper + Bob-getting-injured) when Mikey looked at me with such worry and concern, like I actually mattered, it stopped hurting, right there and then. Grinning at him, I reached the bus and climbed on board, him following.

"Hey", I turned around and said. "Stop staring at my ass."

He smiled. "I'm trying..."

I chuckled and looked into the sitting area in the bus. There sat Frank, Ray and Gerard. Whoa... They had mega watt smiles on their face. Frank was grinning like a cheesy dude, and I didn't want to know what about. Mikey appeared behind me.

"I"m going to-" He stopped. "Oh no..."

Frank jumped up and squeed, "ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!" Gerard grinned and chimed in. "Yeah, we wondered when you guys would stop fooling around and get together!" Ray just smiled, a knowledgeable and happy smile. Then, I realised that they would be a lot harder to live with now, but they were the most amazing friends on earth, to understand us, so easily... But Mikey made up for all of it, and more. I turned around, and he was there, laughing at Frank. Looking at his face, at all his features. He looked a different man, free from all doubts and worries, just laughing. Seeing happiness etched into every line, I realised how rarely he laughed nowadays. Well, that was all gonna change, from this day on.