Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Seven

Mikey's POV

I found myself laughing at the whole situation. Me and Bob just fucked, then suddenly the rest of the guys immediately knew about it. Immediately, my laughter died down. Oh shit.

"How'd you guys know...?" I asked, apprehensively, not really wanting to know the answer. As if he read my thoughts, Ray spoke out.

"Don't worry, we saw you snogging and I thought it was best to keep Gerard and Frank away from the window." He grinned and punched my arm. "We didn't see anything we weren't supposed to see." I smiled at him gratefully. Good 'ol Ray... I patted his hair and went to the fridge for some milk.

"So..." I took a sip from the glass. "You guys fine with us?"

"Sure, afterall, you ARE my little brother, who's found his ONE TRUE LOVE!!" Gerard said happily, flinging out his arms for effect. Frank just squeed and bounced on one of the beanbag chairs in the room, promptly bursting it. Not missing a beat, Ray gathered the remains of the poor chair, stuffed it in a garbage bag and tossed it into a closet. "Yeah, you guys are so perfect for each other," he said as he punched Frank playfully. Bob grinned and took a swig of my milk. Suddenly, I felt quite tired, no surprise there!

"Bob, I'm going to bed." I looked up at him. "Um, you wanna come with?"

Bob smiled. "Sure..."

We looked at each other for a while, not speaking, just reading each other. "AWWW," chorused the trio behind us. "Shush," said Bob, throwing another beanbag chair at them, successfully knocking them down to the couch. "You guys better sleep too, we have a gig at London tomorrow." Murmured goodnights were exchanged and me and Bob made our way to his room. We slipped under his covers, too tired to undress, and he held me tight. I listened to his breathing, to his gentle pulse, and his strong heartbeat. To that beautiful beat, more important than any other beat in my life as a musician, I fell asleep, dreaming of what more beautiful things that were yet to come...