Sequel: We're together now...

I Never Would've Thought..

Chapter Eight

"BOB, BOB!!!" I heard someone frantically call me name. Grr, what!! I was sleeping so nicely too... I opened my eyes, but saw no one. I found myself standing in a hospital, all white, blinding white echoing around me. A tv screen was attached to the ceiling. It just bore one one of words. I squinted and read out loud,

"Michael Way, Ward 13."

Oh. My. God. I started running down the hallway.

"1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11..." Where the fuck was 13?? Then I saw it. A blood red door at the end of the hallway. Running towards it, I found it pulling back. Just pulling away from me. Everything that mattered in my life was behind that door, and I couldn't reach it. As I ran, tears ran unchecked down my face, flying behind me.

"NO, NO, NO!!!!" I screamed in anguish and panic. My muscles straining, I pushed harder than I ever did in my life. Finally reaching the door, I reached to push it open, but then I stopped. Did I really want to see what was behind the door? I had no choice. I pushed it open, heart full of dread. Then I saw, my Mikey, face pale, lips and cheeks drained of all color, hooked up to machines, draining life from him. No... MIKEY! Then I saw an ashen form hovering behind his prone body.

"Mikey...?" I uttered in disbelief.

"Bob, I'm dead. It's too late." He shook his head sadly. Suddenly, he faded away, and I found myself standing in a room filled with fire. Where was Mikey?? I didn't care that I was being burnt alive, all that mattered was that I found him.

I bolted up right in my bed. My skin was coated in a sheen of sweat and I felt rivulets of the said substance run down my forehead and chest. It was... Just a dream... I looked down and saw a peacfully sleeping Mikey, safe and sound.

"Oh thank goodness..." I breathed a sigh of utmost relief. I lay back down and watched him sleep. My beautiful precious Mikey. He was mine. I wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to him, not for long...