Status: Active....Sort of. Its coming along slowly.

I Can't Breathe Without You

Chapter 9: Its definately our excruciating adorability.

Whitney's POV

Since Joe has been here I haven't left his side, with the exception of my one class . I spent the night with him Friday and last night. I didn't waste any of the time I had.

After what happened Friday I have successfully evaded Dean. I don't know what Joe was planning on doing or saying to him, but that is one confrontation I can live without.

"I swear it feels like you just got here." I said to Joe, clinging to him outside of his hotel.

"I know. I've missed you."

"I know the feeling."

"Only a month and a half until I get to see you again." Joe reminded me. I'll be home for Christmas and Joe is taking a break from their tour.

"Technically its 43 days," I smiled and Joe shook his head at my silliness. With a sad smile, I buried my face in his chest, refusing to ever let go.

"Is it okay if I kidnap you and never give you back?" Joe asked.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." I sighed, only wishing he really would. Maybe we could run away from college, the band, and everything else that keeps us apart.

I let out a yelp as I was suddenly swept up and the air was passing around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked Joe who was currently running through the parking lot with me in his arms.

"I'm kidnapping you. Now stop squirming, it would make this so much easier."

I laughed and held onto his neck. He stopped when we reached the vehicle, and tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Well. In my plan the door was open..." Joe set me down on my feet and made one of his faces. It made me laugh, but it was saddening because I knew he was leaving again and it would be awhile before I got to see one of his goofy expressions.

"I love you so much, you know that?" I stated. He smiled and it made me happy that I could put that sparkle in his eye.

"I do know that, but I don't know why... Well, besides my boyish charm, sharp wit, and my amazing dance moves."

"Don't forget your exceptional modesty." I smirked. He laughed and pulled me into a tighter hug. Even though he was kidding, the things he mentioned all played into why I'm so in love with him. Maybe not the dance moves, just kidding.

"Whitney, what am I going to do without you for the next 43 days?" Joe asked.

"The same thing you've been doing for the last three months." I shrugged. The real question is: What am I going to do without him? He's got concerts, signings, interviews, all the components of a rockstar life to keep him busy. He barely even has time to miss me.

"Joe we better go if we want to make it to Washington on time." Kevin said, getting into the car.

I groaned and hid my face in Joe's chest to obscure the wetness welling up in my eyes. Joe held me there for a brief moment before pulling my chin upwards to look at him.

"Only 43 days, okay?" He wiped a tear that had betrayed me by spilling out. I nodded sullenly. Joe placed both of his warm hands against my cheeks and kissed me briefly, but fervently, not failing to make my heart stutter.

"I love you, Whitney, and I promise time will pass in no time, okay? Then we'll be able to see each other at Christmas."

I noted the perkiness in Joe's voice and realized how ridiculous I'm being. Here I am, crying and Joe's trying his best to cheer me up.

"I know. It just sucks being apart." I half laughed-half cried, "And I'm sorry about the waterworks."

"Don't be," Joe smiled assuringly at me and I could feel my anxiety almost disappear. It didn't last long though because Kevin rolled down the car window and told Joe to get in.

"You should go," I said, but held onto Joe tighter.

"Probably. I'll call you asap." Joe didn't make any move to let me go either. I tiptoed to press my lips against his one last time. One more quick peck and one last sad expression, and he was gone.

When I finally got back to my dorm, I immersed myself into my homework; yet, even school couldn't keep my mind off Joe. 43 days

There was a knock on my door and I jumped out of my seat and ran to answer it. In some small part of my mind I imagined Joe coming back, sweeping me off of my feet, and living happily ever after- and most importantly- together.

"I'm sorry,"

I tried to slam the door, but he was standing in the way.

"I do not accept your appology." I muttered, still trying to shut the door.

"Whitney, just listen-" Dean was resisting against the door while I leaned all my body weight against it in an attempt to push him away.

"Listen to what? I don't have to do anything you tell me to."

Dean sighed and slowly pushed the door open, disregarding my effort to keep him out. It didn't look like it took him much effort to move me out of the way, but I was trying my hardest.

"I can call the cops for breaking and entering." I threatened.

"Don't be ridiculous. Just listen to my apology and get over it." He rolled his eyes like it was nothing.

"You kissed me! And you know I'm with Joe! What kind of best friend does that?" I protested.

"Okay, so I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

SInce he was obviously not leaving I turned away from him and crossed my arms stubbornly.

"Whitney, stop being a brat."

I spun around filled with a fresh wave of anger.

"I am not a brat. You are a jerk. I'm leaving." I sneered, enunciating each word. I walked quickly towards the door. If he wasn't leaving, then I am.

"Not so fast," Dean jumped in front of me.

"Let me by." I muttered, losing patience.

"No." He shook his head and side-stepped in front of the door knob.

"First sexual harrassment, then breaking and entering, now you're holding me hostage. Are you planning on homicide too?" I squinted my eyes at him in an attempt at intimidation.

"Damn. You've foiled my master scheme. I guess I'll have to try robbery instead." He said sarcastically.

"You know what, I'm tired of your smart mouth and lack of sense when it comes to crossing the line between friends and more than friends." I spat, letting out all my rage. "And another thing, you not only betrayed my trust but you just had to make Joe mad. I never get to see him and you know how much time with him means to me! And the worst thing was that I felt absolutely horrible for something that wasn't even my fault to begin with! Do you realize that for a split second I almost thought we were going to break up? Is that what you wanted? Wait, that is what you wanted! You-you-"

"Jackass." Dean finished for me. By the end of my rant I had ended up merely inches away from him with my index finger jabbing into his chest.


I took a step back and exhaled slowly, trying to settle myself down. Dean watched me with composure. I was suprised he wasn't yelling back at me, but he seemed calm.

"Is that all you have to say?" He asked coolly.

"Yes." I nodded sternly.

"And I agree with you 100%. I don't know what I was thinking, and I'm really sorry that I ruined your weekend with Joe. I swear I wasn't trying to break you guys up. And I already know how big of a jackass I am. I've had the last few days to think about. If you can please forgive me, and we can be friends again? And just friends."

I inspected him slowly, trying to pick out the lies.

"Will it make you feel better if I apologize to Joe myself?" He asked. I thought it over, trying to imagine Joe's reaction.

"Um, sure?" I shrugged.

"Okay, what's his number?"

"You're serious about this?" I questioned.

"Of course." He had his phone out, ready to dial.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We'll just call this apology accepted." I said finally. I don't think Joe would handle it very well if Dean called him. Its the thought that counts, right?

Joe's POV

Is it lame to say that I've literally counted down the days until I get to see Whitney again? Well I have and the day is finally here.

"Either I'm a bad brother and I'm not as excited as I should be to see Whitney, or you're one lovesick pup." Bronson said. He was stretched out on the couch, watching a football game. I was over at his house waiting for Whitney to arrive. I couldn't handle sitting still, so I paced around, frequently looking out the window for a sign of her car.

"I think its the second one." Kevin added.

"I do too. Ever since we visited her he hasn't shut up about coming back home." Nick joined in. I ignored their jibes and kept watch on the road.

Their conversation moved on from me into something about the score on the tv.

I don't think I'll be able to go without seeing Whitney this long again. Usually I can distract myself easily, considering I have the attention span of a two year old, but it doesn't work that way with Whitney. I'm always thinking about her, reliving our memories, envisioning our future, imagining her beside me, dreaming about everything.

I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the door open.


I turned around only to be nearly tackled down by a small, familiar figure. I didn't even need to hear the bells of laughter to know who it was. I could identify her just by how she fits so easily into my arms.

"Finally, you're here!" I held Whitney tightly around the waist. I didn't get to have her long enough, because it wasn't long before Bronson had swept her up in a huge bear hug. Even though I'd much rather keep her to myself, I liked to watch her excitedness over seeing her brother.

"Look at my little sister! She's all grown up!" Bronson patted Whitney on the back and ruffled her hair. She scowled good-humoredly, and went to greet Nick and Kevin. I watched her laugh in delight and listened to her animated voice. I resisted the urge to scoop her up and take her away for myself. I was euphoric now that she was actually here and I felt like I was on a permanent high.

"When's Mom and Dad getting here?" Whitney asked.

"They should be here tomorrow," Bronson said, returning to his position on the couch. She nodded, then as if suddenly remembering, came skipping over to me, immediately falling into my arms.

"I love you," Whitney grinned widely, showing her beautiful smile. Her eyes were sparkling and I felt like I could conquer anything with her by my side.

"I love you too." I replied, hoping this happiness never goes away.

"I need some help getting my bags." She batted her eyelashes and stuck her bottom lip out girlishly.

"Why are you so cute? Its impossible to ignore you." I said, needless to say- picking up her bags.

"That's what I thought of you when I first moved here." She smirked and started up the stairs to her room.

Whitney's POV

"Maybe we're just meant to be together because we're both so unbearably cute and no one else can handle this magnitude of cuteness besides someone as equally as cute." Joe said, dropping my bags and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Really. And all this time I thought we were together because we love each other." I walked towards him with a sly smile.

"Nope. Its definately our excruciating adorability."

"Well, I guess I learned something today." I laughed. Joe placed his hands on my hips when I was in reaching distance and guided me towards him.

I stood in between his legs and looked down at him. I have missed him so much, and now we're finally together. Its amazing.

With a light tug, Joe was on his back with me lying on top of him. Finally, I pressed my lips to his. It started off light, and gentle but all the missed time together came out in a long passionate kiss.

It didn't take long for Joe to flip us over so he was hovering above me. His touch left a trail of tingles all over my skin. I had missed being this close to him. His hands covered every inch reachable while I was sure he was leaving a mark on the sensitive skin right above my collar bone. If it didn't feel so amazing I would have made him stop, but I couldn't seem to get the words out. Maybe if we haven't been apart so long I could have resisted him, but I couldn't have stopped him even if I wanted him to.

My phone started ringing and after some persistence I made Joe let me answer it. He was still leaving feather light kisses on my neck while I flipped open my phone, not checking the caller id.

"Hello?" I breathed into the receiver.

"Hey, its Dean."

"Oh, what's up?" I said. I felt Joe pause as he listened in.

"I'm waiting at the airport and I'm bored to death so I decided to see what my favorite girl is doing." Dean complained. Joe's body stiffened momentarily before he continued his previous actions with a renewed desire. His delicate kisses became fiery and I sucked in a sharp breath when his teeth grated the skin below my ear.

"Oh-h, that's cool." I tried to control my breathing, but Joe was set against it. I ineffectively pushed him away, but his hands on my hips kept me in place.

"Are you exercising or something?" Dean asked.

"No. I'm just chilling with Joe-ee." To Joe's enjoyment, his name turned into a slight moan because of his hands slithering down to my butt.

"Oh. I get it. Your reunion sex." Dean said in a hard voice. I bit my lip in hopes to keep quiet. I couldn't even process what Dean was saying.

"Tell your boyfriend if I was there I would fuck you so hard, you wouldn't be able to do anything but scream, let alone talk on the phone."

"Why do you have to be such a jerk?" I said callously.

"Don't be mad because you wish I was there. Inside of you, fucking your brains out."

"Hah. You wish." I replied just to make him mad.

"No, you're the one wishing. Don't worry, when we get back I'll fufill your dreams." He said suggestively.

I gritted my teeth and hung up the phone. I hated this Dean. This Dean is NOT my best friend.

I scowled and didn't even realize Joe had stopped.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Dean's just an idiot." I muttered. Joe clenched his jaw at his name. He continued to glare at my wall until his eyes returned to me and instantly lightened. He smirked as he glanced at my neck.

I hopped off my bed and went straight to my mirror.

"Joe! My parents are coming in tomorrow!" I scolded, running my fingers over the purplish bruises making their appearance. He walked up behind me, arms winding around me.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself." He continued to smirk into the mirror and I sighed. I turned around to face him.

"You, sir, are in trouble." I poked him in the chest for emphasis.

"Go ahead. Punish me." He winked.