We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter One

Gerards POV

I sat at my table sketching – doodling rather and the rain poured down outside. Sighing, I flipped my long black hair out of my eyes and gazed out at the window, not particularly looking at anything. I could hear the polyphonic sounds blasting from the living room as Mikey destroyed drones on his playstation.

Why the hell does it have to be so fucked up? Here I am, a freaking twenty year-old man, not making the most of the best years of my life. I’m such a loser.

Suddenly, a cry from the living room interrupted my thoughts.


I smiled to myself. “A loser who’s in love with his brother.”

Mikey’s POV


I knew Gee was in his room studying (yeah right) and that I should quieten down, but hey, I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to make my brother at least take notice of me. Regardless of whether it was in a good way or not. He never spoke to me nowadays, usually caught up in his drawing. He should be a cartoonist since he loves drawing so much. I know I’m a freak, but seeing him draw when he gets to work on something is so amazing. His eyes shine and his tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth at a funny angle. Sometimes he furrows his brow to get that character drawn just right, and I itch to reach over and smoothen it. To kiss his forehead and tell him I love him, in a way that brothers were naturally forbidden to feel. I’m such a sicko, I thought as I blasted twelve more drones.


“Hey mikes, take it easy with the swearing! You’re only seventeen!” came the yell from the bedroom to the right.

“ONLY??” I playfully responded.

“Don’t make me come over there and tell you how to behave!”

Omfg. Did he just say that?

Gerard’s POV
Omfg, did I just say that?? Shitshitshit.