We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Ten

Still Mikey's POV

We were inside of the school building by now.
I was trying to pull Frank to his locker but he wouldnt budge.
"NO Mikey! I want to go beaver hunting! And your coming with me! and we will eat gummy bears and search for the sugar patch and..AND TALK TO THE BUNNY RABBITS THAT LIVE IN THE FOREST. OH MY FUCKING GOD LETS GO!!"
He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the doors but I yanked my hand back and stared at him.
"Frankie are you having a sugar relapse?" I asked him
Well hell its strange enough He's talking about going beaver hunting but now the sugar patch and talking to bunnies? what the fuck.
"Hmmmmmm. I dont think so mikey boy."
He grinned at me. I glared at him and started walking back to my locker leaving Frankie by the doors with a hurt expression on his face.
Hmmm.....He'll get over it.
I was at my locker grabbing all the books I'd need for sixth period but before I could close my locker I heard a snicker. "FAG!" Someone yelled. I shuddered. Not the fucking jocks its too GodDamned early!!!
I looked over to see Brian and 4 more jocks behind him smirking at me.
"Well well well. If it isnt the liitle queer himself." Brian spat at me as if I were a disease.
"Hi Brian." I said calmly while stuffing my books into my backpack and throwing one of the straps over my shoulder. I stood up and looked Brian straight in the eye.
"You should put your backpack down faggot." He said to me firmly.
"Oh?" I said "And why is that?"
He smirked.
"Becuase your not going anywere but the emergency room."
And thats when I felt a fist collide with my face.
Then another and another and pretty soon it was just a pile of pain tears fear blood and blows to my weak body.
I found enough strength to get up and run shakily to the boys bathroom but Brian and his gang was right behind me.
Tears of frustration and fear came rolling down my sore cheeks.
I need my Gerard. Where is he? Gerard please save me!!!
I staggered into the bathroom but collapsed as Brian threw a heavy object to my back.
They began to punch and kick me again and by the time they were done I was just a heaving pile of blood and mush on the bathroom floor.
Brian and his gang luaghed and walked out of the bathroom just before the bell rang.
I was still crying.
Every inch of my body was throbbing.
I couldnt move.
Thats when I heard my cell phone ringing.
It was in my back pocket.
I couldnt move.
It hurt so bad..so terribley bad...But what if it was Gee!? he could come and save me and take me out of this hell hole!
I winced and groaned as I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket.
Sure enough it was Gerard calling.
I put my phone to my ear and almost choked while trying to speek.
I cleared my throat and tried again.
"H...H..hello?" I asked weakly.
"Mikey baby I just called to tell you that i hope you have a good day and I love you with all my heart and.."
I cut him off.
"Gee!!" I said through sobs and tears. "Gee please! come pick me up! please!"
"Mikey babe what happened!? whats wrong sugar!?"
"T..The jocks...they got to me first..they beat me up I cant move I think I'm bleeding to death and Oh my fucking God Gee just please come and pick me up." I sobbed hoarsly through the phone.
"Ill be right there baby just hold on."
The line went dead.
I collapsed.
Darkness surrounded me.
And I was out.