We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twelve

Gerard's POV

It was two days since poor Mikey got beaten up. He was given the week off school to recuperate and guess who's job was it to take care of him? Mom, truth be told, wasn't really up to it since she was FUCKING PISSED THE WHOLE TIME.

It was a little past 2am and I poked my head into our bedroom to see if Mikey was sleeping, and sleeping was what the little angel was doing. I had pushed both of our beds together so he would be more comfortable and he certainly looked it. His mouth was moving slightly, making sucking movements that got me thinking thoughts I shouldn't be when he's bedridden! To prevent me from doing anything drastic, I firmly closed the door behind me, much to my reluctance.

Shuffling to the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water before making my way to the couch where I was camping at in the meantime. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I picked it up. Who was calling so late in the fucking night? My blood ran cold when I saw who was calling.


I pressed the answer button shakily and put my ear to the phone. I thought he was done. He'd left me alone. Oh God, please don't let him come back.

"H-h-hello?" I waited nervously for his response but got none.

"If this is some sick joke, it's not funny and I'm SO hanging up on you right now!" I was about to cut off the call when I heard something that sent chills down my spine. It sent a flood of bad memories back at me. It was laughing. Cruel laughing. The same laugh he let go after each and every time he used me to satisfy his twisted desire. I pressed the cut off button and collapsed shakily on the couch. A sheen of cold sweat had formed on my brow and I hastily wiped it away. Suddenly, a very bed-heady looking Mikey appeared in the living doorway.

"Gee, who was it?" He looked extremely blur, and adorable at the same time. I knew everything would be fine when he was here.

"Some lame practical joke. No one was there on the other line. C'mere." I patted the sofa and he sank down gratefully.

"Couldn't sleep eh?" He nodded and pulled me down to his chest where I lay as he stroked my hair gently. Within minutes, I fell into an easy sleep in his warmth, forgetting all my troubles until the morning dawns, and the world returns to life again.