We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Eighteen

Mikey's POV

Okay so here I am sitting on my bed. The bed me and Gerard had shared so many times....
at this point I was bawling my ass off at something Gerard probably didn't even commit..or did he?
I never thought he'd ever do this.
And I still don't believe that he did.
And I don't know why I just when off on him like that oh God I'm such a fucking idiot!
Shit and fucking piss.
I hope he's okay..
Coming to my senses I went over and sat at Gerard's desk.
The one he always used to work on his artwork.
I ran my fingers slowly over the old chipped wood.
Over the carvings that had been made with knives and such.
Over the memories me and Gerard had shared so many times before he ran off.
And I began to cry again.
Letting the stinging warm tears slowly fade down my cheeks.
What have I done?

Bert's POV

Oh me and my sweet sweet mind.
This is so fucking easy.
Its too fucking easy.
Way too fucking easy.
Gerard didn't even see me step out of the bushes to their house and slowly fallow him to that bar.
He didn't see me.
This is going to be interesting isnt it?
So fucking easy.

Gerard's POV

Oh sweet sweet heaven in the loving taste of liquor.
To thee might make my head swim and my eyes burn but oh to the sweet sweet feeling and taste.
Okay so maybe it wasnt the best idea to get drunk but what the fuck do I care.
Mikeys gone.
He was the only thing I had.
And now hes gone.
And so am I.
So I don't care anymore.
I staggered out of the bar, my head swimming and my knees weak.
Hope I can make it back to the house.
I walked alittle further but then my legs gave out finally and i fell against a beat up car that was on the side of the road.
Hah. Wow.
Maybe I'll just sleep here tonight.
Yea that'll be nice.
I layed my head on the cold meatle that was the hood of the car and closed my eyes.
Ahhhh. Fuck that hurt. I wonder why liguor always seems to make my eyes burn....
Meh ohwell.
I think its possible to sleep with your eyes open...right!?
Shit and mother fucking piss God damn that fucker!
I sat up slowly but suddenly something wrapped around my body and forced me back down again. What the fuck!?
"Hey baby, miss me?" I looked up and stared into the face of a man that I never wanted to see again.The man that I wanted out of my life and mind. Bert fucking McCracken.
Coming out of my drucken state for a moment I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with a leather gloved hand.
My eyes widened as I saw a gleam of metal raise from the pocket of his jacket.
Then the tears came.
And the sobs came later as I was carried into Bert's car and driven away.
Away from everytihng.
Away from my life.
Away from.....Mikey.
My angel.
My everything.
Why was I so stupid?