We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty

erard's POV

I woke up and felt the sting of chloroform hit the back of my throat. I gasped for fresh air but couldn't find relief. I saw stars before my eyes and they rolled back into my head as I passed out.

2hrs later.

Oh god my head is throbbing. My throat's as dry as cotton wool, and I can't hear my brain talking.

Wait, that's not possible, or you won't be thinking this, therefore you CAN hear my brain.

Hmph, fine.

I opened my eyes. It was time to, otherwise I'd go mad listening to my brain, something I should NEVER do. I looked around blearily and found myself in an old run down warehouse. The floors smelt of turpentine and the place was fucking dirty. Man... My new pants...

IDIOT!! You should be worried about where you are, dammit!!

Oh yeah... Damn, I hate it when my brain's right.

Instantly, panic took over me. I tried to stand but I felt like I couldn't move at all, save my eyeballs. I saw something move by this doorway to the right and I struggled to see who it was.

"Well well, if it isn't little geegee, finally awake..." Oh shit. I knew that voice anywhere! It was Bert!! Damn him. I had a fucking bone to pick with him over that letter and I couldn't move!!! What did I do??? As if reading my thoughts, he spoke out loud.

"Yeah bitch, you can't move cuz of the muscle relaxant I injected into you. See, this isn't about you. It's about me, and what I want." He strode over to me and grabbed the front of my shirt, slamming me against the wall and started to yell at me.

"You fucking bitch! You left me!!! And for what?? I was a fucking good boyfriend!!! And now I'm wallowing in this pool of fetid misery, all thanks to you!!!" His eyes took on a manic gleam and I could see the whites of his eyes. I left him because he fucking abused me, like now. And I was afraid. He's dillusional, insane, I realised. Oh shit. And I'm alone in the ware house with him. I'm so fucking dead.

"And now, Imma have my way with you." He grinned gleefully and ripped off my pants.


I lay on the floor, shivering in a pool of my own blood. He had raped me, and tore me apart. I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep. Mikey, where are you...?