We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty One

Gerard's POV

It's been a day since I was stolen off the face of the earth, stolen from everything I cared for. Bert has raped me thrice. I worry that if I don't get out of here soon, I'd become mad. My pupils were obviously dilated, and I couldn't stop twitching. I'd curl up in the corner after he was done with me, and watch the sunlight through the windows, counting the hours. I was waiting... But for who? No one knew I was here. No one.

Mikey's POV

I jammed on the accelerator. Nearly there... I approached the docks and saw two warehouses in front of me. God Gee, please be there.


I searched the park for what must've been the hundredth time. I knew he wasn't there, but I was just hoping, that he might come back. It wasn't like Gerard to just disappear off the face of the earth. Something must've happened to him, and I couldn't fucking do a thing about it! I kicked a bench in frustration and saw it break before my very eyes. Crap.

"OY!! That's my sleeping place, dick!" I turned around to see a very dirty looking man in rags shaking his fist in my face. I muttered a sorry and turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

"You're here a lot nowadays, boy..." I winced at his rancid breath and replied.

"My brother's been kidnapped, I'm looking for him."

"Waittaminnit, does he have long black hair?" He made wavey movements with his hands running down his face. My eyes widened and I nodded furiously. Now it was my turn to grab his arm and I spoke, my words tripping over each other in their haste to escape my mouth.

"Thes yat's him, I mean, yes that's him. Have you heen sim? I mean, seen him?" I knew I sounded like I was stoned but I didn't care.

"You sound drunk sonny, like he was. He was stone drunk, heeheehee... Some dude with really bright green shoes bundled him off into a car and drove towards the docks." Bright green shoes? Shit. There was only one person I met who wore green shoes that glowed. BERT.


I ran into the first warehouse and screamed, "GERARD!!! GERARD, WHERE THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU???" I heard shuffling sounds to my left, albiet faint, and I started running. Running as though my life depended on it. I entered a room with sunlight filtering through dusty windows and saw a hulking bloody heap on the floor. "Mikey..." the heap rasped. OH GOD. I ran to his side. He resembled a slaughtered animal. He was all bloody, and his face was deathly pale. His skin was stone cold and he was shaking all over.

"Gee, oh fuck, what did he do to you???" My poor baby, how could he??

"Mikey, help me..." WIth that, he collapsed. No time for tears now. I lifted him up and ran to the car, all the while aware his breathing was getting shallower.
I revved up the engine and sped off to Marymount Hospital, almost crying.

"Gee, stay with me, please..." He groaned from the backseat as I flew over a speed bump turning into Marymount. I got out and lifted him from the backseat. I ran into the hospital and yelled, "SOMEONE SAVE MY BROTHER!!!!" Instantly, a flurry of medics appeared around me and I felt someone tear Gerard from my grasp and wheel him off into the intensive care unit, leaving me alone in the hall. I slumped to my knees and started to gasp shakily, too shocked to cry, too numb to hurt.