We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty Four

Gerard's POV

Ohh my brain. It feels like sludge. So does the rest of my body. Wait, where the hell am I? I heard faint bleeping noises, and was faintly aware of someone holding my hand. I tried to open my eyes to see where I was, but I couldn't even summon the strength to do such a simple task. I couldn't really feel much too. What the fuck was going on??

You're in the hospital, lamebrain...
Oh wait, I'm calling myself lame...

HAH!!! Stupid brain... There it goes again. Always so high and migh... WHAT?? Then it all came flooding back to me. Painful, fear-filled waves of flashbacks. Bert, the warehouse, the pain, the tears, the blood, everything. Where's Mikey? How did I get to the hospital? What am I going to do?? My head was thumping like a jackhammer with all the unanswered questions. Suddenly, the chaos in my mind was interrupted by a soft voice speaking. Pleading... I strained my ears to hear and focused on the voice, barely a whisper.

"Why'd you do this? It's all my fault, Gee... I'm so sorry, I should've known. I should've gotten there sooner." He saved me... "I never should've lost it the way I did... I was just so afraid, that someone will take you away again. Hurt you, and break you again. I could never live with that. I couldn't have lived at all. And look at you now... It's all my fault..." The voice trailed away and gave in to a torrent of grieving sobs. Mikey...

I suddenly felt a huge warmth surge through me and I summoned all my strength and gave the cold hand in mine a squeeze. I felt Mikey jump, and he spoke in my ear, his voice laced with tentativity and hope.

"Gee...? Can you hear me? Oh god, Gee, please, wake up!" It built to a crescendo and I could tell Mikey was growing frantic. With a huge amount of effort, I managed to flutter my eyelids open and smile faintly. "Mikey..."

Instantly, I felt a heavy form throw itself around my waist and it started squeezing for all it's worth. "Gerard!! Oh God, you're awake!!" I could tell Mikey was crying with happiness and relief. I was so happy. So happy that someone cared so much about me. But right now, the important thing was getting him off me, as happy as I was now, because I couldn't breathe.

"Mikey... Gerroff!" I managed to croak out.

"Omigod, I'm sorry Gee!! I forgot for a minute there..." He looked at me with huge eyes the size of saucer plates, filled with concern, and I felt my heart melt. Tears came to my eyes as I gazed at the most perfect being in the entire world. My one true love, faithful til the near end.

"What is it, Gee? Does it hurt?" He scrunched up his brow and looked extremely worried, and cute.

"No baby, I just love you so much. I don't know how to thank you for saving my life..." I mumbled.

"It's no big, I'm just glad I got there in time." I reached out and pulled him into an embrace and we lay there for what seemed like the longest time. Then and there, I memorised every detail of his body, and treasured it unlike any other possession I might have. I smelt his hair, felt his touch and listened to his heartbeat. The beat, of his life, and my life. Together in unison, they formed the perfect percussion concert of true love, for eternity. He suddenly pulled away and made to leave, leaving me with such a cold, empty feeling.

"Mikey, where are you going? Don't go, please!" I pleaded frantically.

"Hush babe... " He returned to stroke my hand. "I'm just going to call the doctor and tell him you're awake." He smiled at me lovingly. "I will NEVER leave you. Not for ANYTHING in the world." I smiled back and touched the side of his face gently, and walked out of the door. I watched after him and felt all mushy... I sighed blisstully, smiling to myself. I should be but so lucky to have such an amazing brother, friend, and most importantly, lover.