We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty Five

Mikey's POV

After calling the doctors, who ran into Gerard's ward, I slumped against the wall in the corridor and slid down. The whole place smelt like disinfectant and there was a faint tinge of embalming fluid in the air. I hated hospitals. Especially when people I loved were admitted into one. This couldn't go on forever. I had to stop it somehow... But how?

A week later...

Gerard was resting happily on the couch, his feet propped up, in his boxers. He had returned home 3 days before, yet was still being spoilt by me. Hey... I can't help but love him!

"Mikey, you should really sit down and rest yourself!" He called to me.

"Naw, look who's talking!" I yelled from the kitchen. I was preparing his favorite, lasagne with peach and lime daiquiris. Apparently Gee took a liking to them after listening to Panic! At The Disco's But It's Better If You Do. Plus, it would do me good to stay there for a while. I had to keep reciting Newton's Laws of Gravity in my head to make "little Mikey" behave. He was fiesty lately, the cause mainly being Gerard lounging around in nothing but boxers. Oh no, there he goes again. Quick! Back to the daiquiris! None for me though... I had orange juice!

"Juice rules the world!" I suddenly yelled.

"What??" I could almost see the incredulous expression on Gerard's face.

"Eepps, nothing!" Haha, that was close. Close to me being almost sent away to the madhouse, not that Gee would ever do that. Hee...

"C'mere! I wanna show you something!" He yelled from the living room. Hmm, must be a funny commercial or something. In that case, I'd better hurry! I pulled the lasagne out of the oven and ran to the living room, vaulting over the couch and into Gerard's lap.


"Whupps, sorry..." I blushed.

"You look so cute when you blush..." That only served to make me blush further.

"What is it that you wanna show me?"

"This..." He leant forward and claimed my mouth with his. I happily responded, and delved my tongue into his mouth.

"Mikey..." He pulled away. "I can't, you know..." He gestured to his bandages on his arm, which Bert successfully broke. I scowled at the mere thought of him, but smoothed my face and smiled at Gerard.

"Well... It'll have to be up to me then..." I grinned and slid down the couch, sitting on the floor between his legs. Gerard smiled and leant happily back, watching me with lidded eyes. I reached up and pulled off his boxers, leaving him oh-so-gloriously naked.

"Gerard, who's your daddy..." I smirked as I lowered my head down to claim him in my mouth. His chuckle turned into a moan as I swirled my tongue around his head and stroked his shaft with my hand. I reached my other hand into my pants and started stroking myself. Gerard groaned. I knew that he was watching me. It turned him on to see his little baby brother play with himself. After a few minutes, his dick twitched in my mouth. I knew he was about to cum. I suddenly deep throated him and sucked as hard as I could, and I looked up to see his eyes roll back into his head as he came. I stroked vigorously and joined him in the marvellous release. Licking my lips, I joined him on the couch, hugging him until we both fell asleep.