We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty Seven

Frank's POV

I snuffled. Sunlight was coming in from some where, hitting my face. My eyes were kinda glued shut, and I felt something fuzzy on top of my head. What a weird way to wake up. I wrenched my eyelids open. Hmm, all that gross gunk. I looked up and found myself face to face, well, not really, with an ear surrounded by brown fluff. What the...? OH THAT'S RIGHT!! RAY!!!!!!! I must've stayed the night... Remembering what happened last night, I was determined to forget it and move on. I hated people who emo on about how depressing their life is if things don't go their way. I jumped up and rumpled the fluff. Wow, lush... And it was really soft too... Hmm...

"MORNING RAY!!!!!!" I yelled, bouncing on the sofa.

"WHA?? Oooff! " He fell off the sofa into a muddle heap on the floor.

"What the... FRANK!!!" He yelled. He looked like he was about to yell some more, but then realisation dawned on his face. "You okay?" He asked softly.

I smiled brightly. "Never better! I don't want to moon about, apathetic. Let's go to McDonalds!!!" I bounced out of the door and into the driveway, waiting for him to come. McDonalds, WHEEEE!!! I felt so much better already. Thank goodness!! Hope Ray buys me cookies, maybe I'll sucker him into it. Heeheehee...

Ray's POV

How could anyone bear to hurt someone as amazing as Frank. His heart got broken last night, and here he is, all bright and chipper, determined to enjoy life the way he always does.

"Oh, I love him so much..." I mumbled to myself as I looked at him waiting for me in the driveway.

"What's that??"

I froze. "Nothing."

"I saw your lips move!"

"You're dillusional, now let's go." I grabbed my coat and ran out, slamming the door behind me. Happily accepting that not-so-real-arguement, he raced off to McDonalds, with me at his heels.