We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Twenty Nine

Gerard's POV

I woke up, kind of lightheaded, cuddling up to Mikey. I realised I always seemed to be waking up with Mikey nowadays, in the middle of the afternoon. I smiled. That shouldn't ever stop. I got up and went to my room to dress, leaving Mikey sleeping on the couch. When I got back, he was still sleeping. Looking down at him, that must have been the most uncomfortable position I've ever seen anyone sleep in. His head was hanging off the arm of the couch, and if I don't wake him up soon, he'd have a neck cramp for the rest of the day. I reached down and shook him gently.

"Mikes," I coaxed, "Let's get something to eat, it's past lunch." He stirred and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Oww, my neck..." He grumbled, rubbing it hard. He stood up and stretched, yawning. Just seeing him like that, send a wave of affection through me. He was just so adorable... He bent down to pick up him pants, and struggled into them, still half asleep, and promptly fell to the floor.

"Oof! Gahh, my butt!" Chuckling softly, I helped him up, kissing him gently, just a brush of the lips, small, but enough to let him know I loved him, with all my heart. Smiling, he grabbed our coats and walked to McDonalds, refusing to give me mine. BUGGER, it was cold... Oh the way, we passed Ray's house and he must've seen us because he stuck his 'froed head out of his door and yelled for us to come in. Me and Mikey exchanged puzzled looks, and he shrugged, walking up the pathway with me close behind. Nice ass...

Inside, it was nice and toasty. Yes... We plopped down on the sofa and stared at Ray. Frank and Bob were already there, making themselves comfortable. Frank stood up and walked to Ray's side, smiling up at him. What was going on?

"Hey, what's going on guys?" Mikey asked, equally confused, and curious.

"We've got something to tell you," Ray said.

"We as in you and Frank?" said Bob. "Well, it's about time!!" Mikey nodded, but I just sat there listening. About time for what?

"You knew?" asked Frank, eyes wide.

"Well duh, we all knew how much in love with you Ray was! And we were damned sick of him moaning to us about how beautiful you were! God, the migraine times are hard to forget..." He groaned and rubbed him temples.

"OH! Fuck, wow... That's... cool..." I chimed in, finally catching on. We all knew Ray was mad about Frank, except for Frank. They both looked at me, smiling. I thought I caught a small knowing glint in Frank's eye, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. Gee, that was... Unexpected. I looked at them. They looked so happy together. Just then, I felt a stirring somewhere between my ribcage and tummy. A pang of, jealousy? What?? That was impossible. I mentally shook my head. Was it... Frank?

What?? What's wrong with you, you, you PLAYER!!!"

I never loved Frank. At least, I don't think I did. What the fuck was going on?? Why was I jealous? I have Mikey... I miserably kneaded my temples. What was going on??