We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Thirty One

Mikey's POV

I was so happy for Ray and Frank, they finally stopped messing around and got together. Cheers! But something seemed up with Gerard. He seemed kinda sad, but maybe it was just me. Anywho, they were throwing a party in honor of their new relationship. I helped write the invite list!

Ray and Frank. (duh)
Me and Gee. (more duh)
Bob and Sarah. (duh again)

Lame list huh. Six people for a party. So Frank was inviting a few others, but they weren't to know what the party was about. He lied and told them he passed some huge final or something. They must've been really thick because we were out of school, but they bought it anyways. I wanted to invite Lilly, but she couldn't make it cause she was driving off to see her friend in this other state that night.

Mikey's POV

*At the party*

Everyone was at Frank's place, having a great time, Iron Maiden was on, everyone was happily rocking out. Frank's parents were away for the weekend, so we had the place to ourselves. So the music was throbbing, and there was a huge dancing crowd at the area closest to the speakers, consisting of everyone, laughing and having a great time. Except for Bob and Sarah. They were in Frank bathroom, having their own great time. Hehehe, didn't have to be a genius to figure out what they were doing. They were initially dancing, but they disappeared. Hoohoohaha. Maybe I've had too much to drink. Better sit down...

I wiped the persperation off my forehead and left the throbbing body of bouncing humans to go sit by the table where there were supposed to be refreshments. Gerard pealed away and came to sit by me. Staring at the empty table and shaking his head, he muttered.

"This won't do... I better go out and pick up somemore drinks." This wasn't such a good idea, seeing as he was the one mostly responsible for bringing the table to it's now empty state.

"No, I'll do it." I shook my head. Suddenly, Ray wrapped his arms round my middle and hoisted me up on to his shoulder.

"MOSH!!!!" He yelled, and pushed me up onto the waiting hands of eager friends. That rhymed... Gerard was left laughing by the table as he watched me being helplessly carried away.

"Put me down!" I half-heartedly protested, laughing. "Fine!" I yelled back at Gerard, "But only because I'm obviously tied up. Drive safe!!"

He grinned, nodding, and went out the door, grabbing his coat and the keys to Frank's jeep. I watched him go fondly, thanking heavens that I had someone like him in my life. If only I had known.
If only I knew what would've happened later on that night, I would have run after Gerard and I would have pulled him back, away from the streets, away from the toughest decision I was ever to make. If only...