We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Thirty Four

Gerard's POV

I looked at Mikey's face slowly turn to an ashen grey as he hung up, and he collapsed into the chair next to the bed. I instantly jumped out of bed, and got on my knees.

"Mikey, baby, what's wrong...?" He just looked at me, with blank eyes, that looked far away, and distant. I shook him slightly and he snapped back into focus, looking at me in horror.

"Gerard," He said my name with such fear and horror that I winced. "You... Killed... You killed Lilly!" And with that he ran out of the room quickly, but not quick enough for the tears in his eyes and spilling down his face to go unnoticed by me. Lilly... I climbed back into bed, grateful for the anesthetic, without which, I would be incapacitated with the pain. Wasn't she his. Oh shit. His BEST FRIEND. I put my head in my hands. God Gerard... What've you done, you messed up freak... It was all your fault that she's dead and you're alive in this hospital bed. Tears came to my eyes as I realised what this could permanently do to me and Mikey. I didn't want to lose him...

And that night, I cried myself to sleep.