We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Thirty Seven

Mikey’s POV
The next day Gerard was discharged. He didn’t sustain many injuries, just some shock that’s all. He seemed relieved to be out of that hospital, and frankly, I was too. That hospital held nothing but bad memories for me. I never wanted to go back there since I was born. Half my mind drifted back to the past as the other half automatically continued driving.

Flashback to when Mikey was 14

I was watching tv with Gerard in the living room when I saw mum beckoning to my from the kitchen. Reluctantly, I had gotten off the couch and shuffled into the kitchen.

“What is it mum?” I had said irritatedly.

“Mikey, it’s time I told you something, because now I feel you are old enough.” She said and sat down looking serious, so I sat down too.

“It was about when you were born, and the only reason I’m telling you this is because I just want you to know,” she continued, holding my hand tightly between hers. I frowned and moved closer.

“When you were coming out, the umbilical cord got tangled around your throat and you almost died, but I had a caesarian and you got out just fine. I was so worried and I was crying, thinking you wouldn’t make it, and I want you to know this because I know you’ve always felt like you weren’t loved as much as Gerard.” I opened my mouth to protest but she shushed me. “That’s not true, I love you as much as him, and I wanted you to be born to the world so bad, to be my second son.” I nodded, speechless.

“That’s all I needed to say.” She stood up shakily and smiled at me.


“OY, Mikey!”

“Wha-what?” I was rudely jolted back to the present by Gerard jostling my arm.

“We’re home. You were just sitting there, are you stoned or something?” He joked.

“No, it’s nothing.” I averted my gaze from him and got out of the car. As I walked back to the house, the question that so often plagued my thoughts came floating back to me.

What if I wasn’t meant to be here?