We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Thirty Eight

Gerard’s POV

We walked inside and looked around. It was dark and dusty, since we weren’t home a lot. Mikey plonked heavily down on the couch. He looked downcast. Time for the big-brotherlyness. I sat next to him.

“Hey Mikey…” I reached up and touched his cheek softly. “Why so down?”

He looked at me and hesitated. “Truth?” I nodded.

“I feel like, I wasn’t meant to be here…” He said so softly that if I wasn’t right beside him I would’ve missed it all together.

“Aww Mikey…” I reached over and pulled him into a hug, and he buried his face into my chest. “You’re so meant to be here. I know what happened to you at birth.” He looked up, and I nodded, carrying on. “Mom told me. If you weren’t meant to be here, do you think you would’ve come out?” He looked less upset, but still had some doubts etched into the lines of his face.

“If you weren’t here, I wouldn’t know what to do.” I added softly, and I felt him smile against my chest.

“I love you Gerard.” He looked up and moved his lips inches from mine. “I love you too…” I barely finished my sentence before his lips covered mine in a heart-stopping kiss. It was soft, and barely a whisper of a kiss, but it held our whole universe in it. Little did we know, it was also to be our last kiss, for a very long time. Our doorbell rang, and I looked up disturbed. Mikey too looked frustrated. “Who the hell is it??” I muttered, and got up to answer the door. I opened it, and saw a navy-uniformed policeman outside our door. The fuzz. Oh crap. He looked at us with piercing blue eyes and spoke calmly.

“You are under arrest for committing incest.” And he grabbed my arm and held on fast. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law.”

“OH SHIT.” I yelled. Mikey was standing there, dumbstruck. Suddenly, he snapped out of it and looked at me frantically. “Run Mikey, RUN!!!” I shouted at him, and he bolted out of the door, escaping the policeman’s weak attempt to grab him, since he had hold of me. The policeman turned back to look at me, eyes narrowed. As relieved as I felt that Mikey had managed to get away, fear instantly replaced my relief, and I felt a sickening feeling wash over me, and felt my stomach drop down to my toes. What now?