We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty

Gerard’s POV

I was sitting in a cold room, on a metal chair facing a one way mirror. I never understood why they bothered, since any criminal with at least a little brain matter would know that the people on the other side of the glass were obviously watching them. It was freezing, and I knew that they kept it cold to try and crack the criminals who refused to say anything. Well, it was working for me. I could feel myself losing it. Mikey was gone, we were federally caught for love. This was all so unfair. I squeezed the edge of the table that was in front of me until my knuckles turned white. Suddenly, the door opened, and a man not older than 40 came into the room. He was a weedy looking man and wore a black three piece suit but had removed the jacket, loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. He draped the jacket over the back of his chair and surveyed me. I knew the look in his eyes. It was the same look in every homophobic fucker’s eyes. He judged me without second thought. I glared at him. I knew we weren’t going to get along well.

“Mr Way, you are under arresting for commiting incest.” He flinched at the word, just barely, but it was noticeable. “Do you have anything to say in your defense? Please note that you conversation can and may be recorded.”

“What’s there to defend?” I replied bitterly, looking at him straight in the eye. He looked away nervously and comtinued.

“So are you saying you’re pleading guilty?

“Yeah, I’m guilty for loving my brother. Fucking guilty, do you understand me??” I spat, and he flinched. There was a moment of terse silence, then he took his jacket and let the room. When he left, I resisted the urge to bury my face into my hands. Everything was so fucked up. Society was so fucked up. They think we’re the ones who are fucked up, but that’s just fucking hypocritical. I rubbed my tired, bloodshot eyes, worried. I just really hope Mikey was somewhere safe right now.