We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty One

Mikey’s POV

I sat on Ray’s spare bed, knees to my chin, back to the wall. I had built a box around me, its four walls and ceiling squeezing me, compressing me into a tight ball. I had no idea how long I was lying there. Occasionally, the silence in my box would be broken by Frank or Ray, asking me something. But I couldn’t hear them properly, and eventually they left me to be by myself, giving up. I hugged my legs to my chest tighter, rocking. I didn’t cry, and I didn’t dare to even think about what had happened. If I thought hard enough, I’d be lifted up higher and higher, into pink warm clouds, where everything was nice and quiet and only humming could be heard, humming of mother. And I was happy and safe, amidst the soft loving warmth of pink sparkly clouds. And I wished that I could never come down, never be chained by walls or roofs, and just stay up there forever.