We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty Two

Gerard’s POV

Lying on my back on the cold slab of concrete as a poor excuse of a bed, I looked up and around the 10 foot square cell I was in. It was pretty big for a cell, but it seemed like the walls were closing in on me, suffocating. Was Mikey feeling the same way? Was he missing me like I was missing him. The longing and pain never faded, and gnawed away at my insides late into the night. Needless to say, I wasn’t well liked. I was just “another fag.” I wonder what they had against our type of love. Sure, it was different, but wasn’t that what love was about? Making people feel different? Happy? What the fuck was wrong? I hit the side of the wall with my fist. I could never understand. Maybe there was nothing to understand, because their claims and accusations could never be understood.

I closed my eyelids over my eyes, but I couldn’t get to sleep. It was like this every night, and I only got a couple of hours of fitful rest before we had to get up. Everyday, we were pushed into moving boxes from a factory into vans to be delivered, and would only return to the prison late, where we would hurriedly shower and eat. I had no company, and the big shots in prison never failed to give me a hard time, calling me a fucking faggot and stupid names like that. I was physically and mentally exhausted, but I couldn’t rest. Not without Mikey. I guess this was what they said when they wrote those sappy love songs about how “I couldn’t live without you” etcetera. I never thought I could find meaning in those songs, but I guess I could now. That was what I was living, day after day. I curled up into a ball and faced the wall. Mikey, oh Mikey, I chanted inside my head. Oh how much I miss you…

Mikey’s POV

They managed to coax me out of the room to eat a little, but now I had taken my solitary thinking over to the couch. I just couldn’t move. I was too tired, but I couldn’t sleep. I knew I probably looked a mess, but I didn’t care. There was no one left to look presentable for anymore. No one.

Frank’s POV

We had to do something.

Ray’s POV

We had to do something.

Bob’s POV

We had to do something.


And we’re doing it TONIGHT.