We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty Three

Gerard’s POV

I was trying to get to sleep, but the noise outside was terrible. There was construction going on. In the middle of the night. What kind of psychotic freaks would construct anything at 2am?? Oh yeah, I reminded myself bitterly, these turkeys running the prison would. Apparently some vandals came and broke down bits of the crumbling wall surrounding the prison, so they were getting a whole new wall made. I rolled my eyes and myself over as well, and faced the wall. Suddenly…

”Ouch!” A pebble came flying in through the window and hit my temple. Seeing stars, I scrambled up and peered through the murky night. I could make out three figures in black crouching under my window, attempting to hide, but not doing very well at it. I was about to scream but then something hit me, and no, it wasn’t another stone. Something hit my subconciousness.

“Guys…?” It came out as a hoarse whisper, I hadn’t spoken the entire time I was in prison.

“Shh! You wanna get us busted or something?” I smiled. Frank. I didn’t even speak loudly, trust him to over react. He was probably caught up in the moment. I squinted and made out a frizzy top on one of the figures. Ray, no doubt. And the other one looked bulky and looming. Bob! I scanned the area for the other that I expected, but as if reading my thoughts, Bob’s soft voice penetrated the thick darkness.

“Mikey’s not well, Gerard, he needs you…” He trailed off, no more words needed. I understood.

“We brought the car!” I heard Frank’s loud whisper and squinted into the darkness, making out the shape of a… Volkswagon??

“What the…” I uttered slowly.

”Hey! It was the best we could do! And haven’t you seen Herbie??” Frank whispered defensively.

“Okay, okay, keep it down.” I could picture Ray raising his hands in a calming gesture. “Stick to the plan.”

“Righto!” I heard some shuffling noises and felt a wet cloth slap me around the face.

“HEY!” I nearly yelled, but kept it down to a loud whisper. “What gives huh??”

“Wet cloth is harder to tear, now tie it around the bars,” Bob’s firm and sensible voice instructed me. I did as he told and stepped back, climbing onto my bed and shutting my eyes. Then, I heard a revving noise, then a terrific crash, but it was masked by the perpetual drilling that surrounded the prison. I jumped up and bolted for the hole, turning around and grinning at the cellmate next door who had constantly picked on my during my whole time here.

“See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!” I sang and jumping into the car. It took off, screeching. In the car, I was stunned. Frank was right, this car DID pack a punch. But that thought only occupied my mind for a few seconds, when another pushed itself into my mind, causing a great surge of joy to course through me.

I’m going home. I’m going home to Mikey.