We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty Six

Mikey's POV

They were convincing me that Gerard wasn't going to come back, that I was seeing things, then they call another one of the apparitions I was seeing Him. That He had come back. But I was finally thinking. He may not ever come back. Why were they playing with me like this? What was wrong with them? I looked up at the image of Gerard, so sadly beautiful, before my eyes. Oh Gerard... I gazed longingly at his apparition. I wish you were here...

Gerard's POV

I didn't understand. Mikey looked at me. He really looked at me, and my heart broke, not of lonliness, but from seeing the sorrow and sadness in his eyes. Did he not see that it was really me? Suddenly, I felt I needed to get out, before I broke down. My legs moved of their own accord and I found myself standing outside in the cool air. I took big, shaky gulps of air, the chill drying my throat. Then, I saw Bob and Sarah coming up the driveway. They looked so comfortable with each other, and so loving and my heart ached, the pain constant these few days, that me and Mikey could perhaps NEVER be like that. My heart sank further, and I sank with it to the porch, the cold of the concrete seeping through my pants. Bob and Sarah came up to me, and Sarah took a look at me, and somehow I knew that she knew everything instantly. With a small smile that seemed insignificant to anyone else but us, but to me it was filled with understanding and support, it told me to be strong. She went inside, and Bob came to sit beside me, his bulk offering me comfort, without him even knowing it. Or perhaps we did, because we sat there in silence, not uncomfortable, but sad.

Sarah's POV

I walked it, took one look at Mikey, and strode over to the couch. Enough was enough. I pushed Ray away and sat down beside Mikey. But unlike Ray, who kept talking and confusing Mikey even more, I just sat there, looking at him, until he looked at me tentatively.

"Are you going to tell me that is Gerard too?" and I saw hurt in his eyes, and sadness, as if asking me, "What can I do?"

"No," I said simply, and he looked at me with the slightest hint of questioning in his eyes.

"What does your heart say?" I continued gently. It wasn't for me to tell him what he could see, and what he couldn't see. It was all up to him. He understood that, I saw the change in his eyes, and a look of unsureness replaced his sadness momentarily, and I knew I had got him to think again. He reached up and I wrapped my arms around him, giving him an embrace, one that he needed for so long, to have proof that there was love left for him in the world. Burying his head into the crook of my neck, I held him close and tight, not speaking, but just giving him all that he needed in that embrace. And as the shoulder of my shirt grew damp with his tears, I hoped to God that he would think twice about what he saw.