We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty Seven

Gerard's POV

I sat next to Bob, breathing in the chilly air, drying my throat. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see white puffs coming from Bob's mouth. Suddenly, he spoke.

"Mikey loves you so much, don't ever think that he doesn't," he said quietly.

I tried to respond but it wasn't just because of the dryness of my throat that unabled me to speak. But he must've known, because he placed a comforting hand on my cheek, and I smiled waterly, silently thanking him for his support.

Mikey's POV

I looked up at Sarah and at her encouraging but comprehensive face. I could trust her. I tried to speak, but my throat closed up and swallowed the words, like it always did in the times I tried to speak. But I forced it to open up. This was my chance, and I wasn't going to let my weak body stop me from getting what I wanted, and needed. I tried to speak again, and a few parched words fell from my lips uncertainly, clumsily finding their way out into the world they hid from so long.

"Where is he?"

Ray's POV

I looked up, eyes as wide as saucer plates. Mikey... He acknowledged Gerard's presence. This was amazing! Happiness dawned on my face and replaced the shock. Looking at Frank, he looked exactly like me, sans the fro of course. He met my eyes and a grin spread over his face. Things were going to get better.

Sarah's POV

Oh thank God.

"He's outside."

Gerard's POV

I heard the door open and felt Bob look up and gasp softly. Following the line of his gaze, I looked up, and echoed one of my own. It was Mikey. He was standing there on the porch. Although he was thin and ashen and looked as if he could shatter anytime he fell, he looked like the most beautiful person in the whole world. I rose slowly, my knees shaking slightly. Was he...

Mikey's POV

I gazed at the perfect image before me through the watery sheen swimming before my eyes. People who looked at Gerard would've described him less than perfect, but to me he was. I did not speak, but raised my hand in front of me. I saw him look at it, then at me, and I read hope in his eyes, and sorrow, but there was hope. He raised his own, and put it to my palm, and our hands joined as one. I looked up and my eyes widened. He was real. The cloak of sadness fell off his eyes and mine, and we rushed into each others arms, holding each other so tightly, nothing and no one could tear us apart. The world spun around us, and a wave of joy surged through me, and I clung on tighter still. I shut my eyes tightly, and breathed in, burying my face in his dark hair, inhaling the essence of the most amazing person in the world. Finally, at long last, I held him, and he held me, and no words needed to be exchanged, because all we had to say was diminished in that embrace, right then, right there.