We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Forty Nine

Gerard's POV

"So you want a number zero on the color chart and it short?"

I looked up nervously at the impatient face, waiting for my confirmation before he began the task that I could never go back on. I took a deep breath and spoke out loud, knowing there was no going back after this.


Mikey's POV

I had been out with Ray, shopping for groceries. After Gerard and returned, I got my appetite back and Ray found he had two extra mouths to feed. Me and Gerard were long evicted from our apartment due to not paying our rent and we had moved into Ray's.

"I'm seriously regretting taking you in," Ray joked playfully.

"C'mon man," I laughed and punched his arm lightly. Ray's face suddenly became serious and he looked at me with a small smile on his lips.

"What?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable.

"It's just that, I had almost forgotten what you looked like when you were happy," he said wistfully. The discomfort disappated and I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Well don't worry, I'm happy now," I told him. He smiled in reply and we continued walking home. We reached his house and I waited as Ray unlocked the door, fiddling for the numerous keys. Frank had insisted we triple lock the place, in case Gerard got taken away. Bob and Ray diagnosed Frank with a severe case of paranoia, but installed the locks to humor him anyway. But Gerard and I were slightly grateful for the 'tight' security. Ray finally got the 'Toro Fortress' unlocked and we pushed our way in, lugging the heavy grocery bags along. But what I saw sitting on the couch waiting for us, or rather who I saw, caused me to drop the said groceries at my feet. I heard something tinkle and Ray cursed.

"What the-" He stopped mid curse as he saw the stranger sitting on the couch. He saw me stiffen and he marched forward bravely.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked fiercely, and I was comforted by the protectiveness his strong voice offered.

"Don't you recognize me?" The stranger spoke softly. Me and Ray gasped simultaneously as recognition seeped through. Our jaws dropped and we managed to utter simultaneously.
