We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Five

Mikey's POV

I stretched and woke up to "Vienna" by Billy Joel on a radio alarm. Hmm, that was nice. I hardly listened to music like this anymore. Wait... I didn't have a radio alarm! I falt something behind me shift and I smiled, remembering where I was. I turned around to see Gee yawning like some Lion King star. That was a sight to see.

"Why are you grinning like that mikes?" Gee mumbled.

"You looked like Simba's dad when you yawned." I replied, giggling.

"You're so silly..." Gee smiled.

"But you like meeee..."

We cuddled for a bit, then we had to go down for breakfast. And coffee!!!

We traipsed (sp?) down the stairs and found Frankie twitching on our couch. Since when did he come in? I thought we changed all the locks. Frankie had this way of sneaking in EVERYWHERE. Seeing that he was on his usual 10am sugar high, I left him be.

"Dude..." I looked up to Frankie, "Yes?"

"Where are you wearing Gerard's shirt, man?"
