We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Fifty

Mikey's POV

I stared, open mouthed as Gerard nervously touched his newly white hair.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" he asked, looking very uncomfortable. I tried to answer but I was just gobsmacked. I could hear Ray beside me gulping like a beached fish, also struggling for words, but he was just as stricken as I was.

"Uh... UH... EURUAGH!" yelled Ray, sick of being lost for words; he seldom was.

"What??" Gerard started, and jumped. I found my voice and walked over cautiously.

"G-G-Gerard?" I stuttered, frowning, not believing it was him.

"It's me, Mikey. You don't like it?" his face fell and he looked down. "I knew I shouldn't have gone and done it." Ray came out of his shock and ran over.

"MAN YOU'RE MAD!! YOU WON'T GET ME CUTTING MY HAIR!!!" he yelled, grabbing Gerard by his scruff and shaking him, laughing.

"No, that's cause your fro rules the world." he replied dryly.

"YES!! It looks cool though!" and Ray ran out of the house, looking for Bob and Frank most probably. The mad man had one too many ciders; they tended to have a very weird effect on his emotions. Gerard watched him leave, then turned to me. "Is it that bad?"

"No... It's just that... You look so different..." I said slowly, trailing off. Noticing his long face, I hastily added.

"But I'll definitely get used to it. Besides, I think you look hot." I grinned, seeing his face light up.

"Really?" Gerard asked, looking happier already.

"No." I said soberly.


"No. I KNOW you look hot." I smiled and kissed him on his lips. We made out for a while, until I heard a strangled cry behind me.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

I turned back to Gerard and smiled.

"Frank's home."