We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Fifty One

Mikey's POV
I laughed at Frank's hilarious expression. He looked like a dude from a cartoon with his bulging eyes and hanging jaw. But he didn't move and Gerard and I got worried.

"Think you should...?" Gerard asked, but I was already off him and walking to Frank. I stood in front of Frank and waved my hands in front of his face, but his eyes were still glued to Gerard's hair.

"Hello... Hello!" I repeated when Frank didn't answer me. Frustrated, I slapped him across the face and he jumped, eyes focusing on me.

"Ahh, gerblargh... Meeh..." he trailed off helplessly.

"Yeah, Ray was like that too," I smiled and turned to a laughing Gerard on the couch.

"Man..." Gerard tried to utter between gasps of laughter. "Frank... You look reh... really FUNNY!!," and he burst into a fresh wave of laughter. Frank recovered and began pouting, very much like a 5 year old boy not getting his cookies. Ray then entered and noticed Frank sulking.

"Hey baby, what's with the black face?" Ray prodded Frank and kissed his neck.

"Gerard insulted me," Frank said, still pouting.

"Oh yes, do you like his new do?" Ray asked, grinning at both of us.

"It's... Different. But whatever, I guess," Frank said, shrugging. He ran over to Gerard and patted the top of his head.

"Man..." he remarked. "Gonna take some getting used to..."

"Yeah," Gerard retorted. "But what I can get used to is YOU."

"Hey!" Frank protested. "Take that back!"



"Make me!"

Ray laughed, his head moving from Frank to Gerard as they volleyed childish arguements back and forth. I giggled and jumped between them.

"Guys, stop this!" I yelled and flailed my arms, successfully hitting Frank. He slapped me back and soon we were in the middle of a rather girlish slap fest. Suddenly, I heard a loud collective gasp from the door, and me and Frank stopped fighting to see a Bob and a Sarah standing there, mouths agape, looking rather comic indeed.

"Wha..." Bob began, but words failed and he trailed off.

"But..." Sarah too found no words and lapsed back into silence.

"So..." Frank said, swinging his arms, giggling at their reaction. "Why did you do it?"

Gerard looked nervous, then he stood up. "I wanted to, so that I could do something else. And since all you guys are here, I don't think there'll be any better time to." Gerard walked over to me and when he was right in front of me, he slid his hand in his pocket. I looked at the flat object he brought out questioningly. He pushed it into my hand and I got a closer look at it. It was an ID card, and it had Gerard's new picture on it, smiling at me. But what was surprising was the name. It wasn't Gerard Arthur Way. It was Gerard Arthur ZOMBIE. I blinked in surprise.

"Zuh... Zuh... Zombie??" I stuttered in surprise.

"Well, I wanted a cool surname that could last for a few minutes, and people HAVE gotten that before, so I didn't think there was any harm in getting that," he shrugged and grinned silly-ly.

"Last for a few minutes? What're you talking about? What's all this about?" I was getting more confused by the minute.

"Well... Here goes nothing," he shuffled his feet, suddenly nervous.

"Mikey?" he dipped his hand into his pocket once again, and fished out a simple black box. My eyes widened and my brain went haywire. What was this? Could it be...? No way, it was too crazy... But... Gerard's next sentence interrupted the crazed dialogue with myself in my head and that question threw all strings of thought far into oblivion, along with the strength in my legs.

"Mikey, will you marry me?"