We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Fifty Two

Mikey's POV

I was stunned. I stared at the black box in Gerard's hand. He got down on one knee and snapped open the box, revealing a beautiful silver band with gold engravings around it. He continued speaking, and I dumbly turned my eyes to his, still lost for words.

"The fact is," Gerard continued. "I love you so much, I can't ever say how much. If the skies were made of parchment, and every stalk on earth a quill, and the oceans were filled with ink, and every man a scribe by trade, and they were to write of my love for you, the oceans would be drained, and there would still be so much more to say, to write. Mikey, I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, everyday, that I can know that when I get home, I'll be spending the night with you. I want you to be a witness to my life, Mikey, every moment of every day, for as long as we both shall live."

"Ah..." I stuttered, my mind reeling.

"Please, Mikey," he said, voice thick with emotion. "Be my husband."

Those three words cleared the spectrum of confused thoughts in my head. It was all rather simple. "Marry Gerard, the rest of your life would be spent with him, always," my heart spoke.

"He would be mine..." I whispered to myself. Suddenly, a flood of emotion was released inside of me; his proposal opened the flood gates to my heart, and it came spilling out, some escaping my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes," I whispered. Gerard looked up, his eyes following the movement of my lips. He looked uncertain, as to whether or not he had heard me.

"YES!! YESYESYESYES!!" I yelled gleefully and pulled him up by his scruff. I pounced on him and jumped into his arms, where after a stunned moment, he wrapped his arms around me, in the tightest hug I had ever gotten. We were both crying, tears of happiness and love, and I never wanted this moment to end. We jumped around, shrieking with joy, and I felt the huge helium balloon of happiness welling up inside of me, and escaping into my throat, and I let out a long happy squeal. I pulled away and looked in his eyes.

"We'll be together forever," I said happily, gazing into Gerard's eyes, and was silenced by a deep, loving kiss from him. The world spun before my closed eyes in a spectrum of colors, juxtaposed over the darkness my shut eyelids brought. Only Gerard could make that happen, only him. Through the elated ringing in my ears, I was faintly aware of whooping in the room, and Gerard pulled away, aware of the same thing. To our amusement, we saw Bob and Sarah, Frank and Ray doing a strange waltz cum country barn dance around the room, happily twirling and leaping in each other's arms.

"YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and pulled Gerard towards them, and the six of us danced to the tune of our love, ready to celebrate til eternity.