We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Fifty Three

Gerard's POV

"Zombie...?" the clerk looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah punk. Got a problem?" I tried to sound menacing and raised my eyebrow back at him.

"Oh no, n-not at all!" he stuttered and looked back down at the papers. He was a geeky looking ass, typically an annoying busybody, with thickly rimmed glasses. He gulpped, feeling my eyes on him and looked up, not meeting my gaze, but looking at Mikey instead, who was looking passively at the snow globe on his desk.

"Well, these papers seem to be in order." he said, losing his stutter.

"Okay," Mikey's attention drifted back to him.

"So I expect you for registration in two months time?"

"Yes, that'll be great."



As we walked out, Mikey laced his fingers between mine.

"Two more months," he whispered.

"Until we're together, forever," I ended for him, and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"Won't planning the wedding be kinda hectic in just two months?" he asked, pulling back and looking worriedly at me.

"Don't worry, things are going to be fine," I soothed him.

2 days later.

"THINGS ARE SO NOT FINE!!" I yelled in frustration and pounded the table. Mikey, who was sitting opposite me, jumped. He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you talking about, Gerard?" he asked, shooting me a worried glance.

"The wedding! That's what I'm fucking talking about!" I yelled.

"Don't you swear at me like that, Gee!" Mikey said sharply.

"I'm sorry..." I sighed, all the frustration and energy just leaving my body, and I slumped on the table, closed my eyes and buried my head in my arms. I felt Mikey get up and walk over to my side, and started massaging my head.

"Now why would you say something like that?" he asked gently, fingers rubbing my temples.

"There's so much to plan, the guest list, the location, the food, the attire and all that shit," I rambled, voice muffled, eyes still closed.

"Well, seeing as we're brothers, our guest list isn't exactly going to be a mile long now, is it?" Mikey asked dryly.

"Well thanks. I'm just saying that everything's kinda muddled up up here right now," I said, tapping my head. "How can you be so calm about this??"

"Well, I don't get worked up easily," he answered almost thoughtfully.

"Well goody for you," I said bitterly, half wondering if we both should wear black tuxes.

"Now now," Mikey lifted up my head and made me look into his eyes. "Everything IS going to be fine," he assured me, keeping emphasis on the 'is'.

"You think so?" I asked him worriedly, frowning a little.

"I know so," and as he bent down to kiss my forehead, I couldn't help but feel he might be right after all.