We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Fifty Five

Frank's POV

"Well...?" He asked, surveying me from the green couch across the room.

"You... You sure about th... this?" I stuttered, crossing the room to sit next to him.

"Yeah, I can't stand these things, they get in the way when Gerard kisses me," Mikey adjusted his glasses which were slipping over the bridge of his nose impatiently.

"Well, whatever, but don't you think you should consult Gerard about this?" I poked Mikey's arm and settled back into the couch. I saw him falter for a bit, but a look of determination crossed his face.

"If he loves me, he'll accept me for whatever I do to myself," he said firmly. True. I leant back and propped my fingers against my lips, looking thoughtful.

"Don't," Mikey said.

"Don't what?" I looked up, confused.

"Look thoughtful, it's abnormal," he said, eyes twinkling.

"Oh shut tup," I half laughed and threw a throw cushion at him.

"Hey hey hey, what's going on?" Gerard entered the room. "Not bullying my Mikey now are you?" He shot a playful look at me and sat down on the floor opposite us.

"Oh no, trust me," I said. Gerard and Mikey laughed at the line stolen from our song I'm Not Okay, and kissed each other lingeringly.

"Oh gross, enough with the mush already!" I yelled and threw another cushion at them.

"Well, we get enough of it when you and Ray are in the same room," Mikey shot back.

"True..." I said thoughtfully again, much to Mikey's aggravation. "Anyways, I've been thinking-"

"Don't," chorused both Mikey and Gerard.

"Shut up! Anyways, I've been thinking... We've been living in Ray's house for so long, the whole bunch of us three, I don't really want to impose..." I trailed off.

"Well, yeah, I've been thinking about that too," chimed in Gerard.

"You have?" I looked up, surprised.

"Yeah... And I was thinking-"

"Don't!" I yelled gleefully, only to receive a smack from Mikey.

"Let him talk!" He scolded, and I pouted, slamming my body back into the couch.

"Alright alright," Gerard hushed and continued. "Maybe you can stay here, you know, you lovey birds," Gerard grinned at me, "And maybe Mikey and I could buy an apartment somewhere."

"OH MY GOD," Me and Mikey exclaimed. "That's brilliant!" We both said and ran over each other.

"Why thank you, I do take pride in that," Gerard preened and patted his chin. Me and Mikey shot a conspiring look at each other, and for the first time today, we silently agreed on something.

"One..." I said, getting up from the couch.

"Two..." Mikey said, getting up to join me.

"Hey whats..." Gerard said, confused, but before he could continue...

"THREE!!!" Me and Mikey yelled in unison and jumped him.

"ARGH GET OFF ME!!!" Gerard screamed, hopelessly flailing away, trying in vain to get us off him, but to no avail.

"NEVAA!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and Me and Mikey started beating at him with dusty throw cushions. Oh how fun life is, I thought to myself. Heeheehee...